Rabash: Gli Scritti Sociali

Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (Rabash) ha svolto un ruolo rilevante nella storia della Kabbalah...

Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (Rabash) ha svolto un ruolo rilevante nella storia della Kabbalah. Ci ha fornito l’ultimo collegamento necessario tra la Saggezza della Kabbalah e la nostra esperienza umana. Suo padre e maestro era il grande Kabalista, Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag, conosciuto come Baal HaSulam per il suo Sulam (La Scala) commentario de Il Libro dello Zohar. Eppure, se non fosse per i saggi di Rabash, gli sforzi di suo padre per divulgare la Saggezza della Kabbalah a tutti sar...

Regular Price: $19.00

Rabash: Gli Scritti Sociali (E-Book)

Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (Rabash) ha svolto un ruolo rilevante nella storia della Kabbalah...

Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (Rabash) ha svolto un ruolo rilevante nella storia della Kabbalah. Ci ha fornito l’ultimo collegamento necessario tra la Saggezza della Kabbalah e la nostra esperienza umana. Suo padre e maestro era il grande Kabalista, Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag, conosciuto come Baal HaSulam per il suo Sulam (La Scala) commentario de Il Libro dello Zohar. Eppure, se non fosse per i saggi di Rabash, gli sforzi di suo padre per divulgare la Saggezza della Kabbalah a tutti sar...

Regular Price: $9.99


Zohar Kitabı üzerine Sulam (Merdiven) yorumunun yazarı Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Aşlag'ın (Baal HaSu...

Zohar Kitabı üzerine Sulam (Merdiven) yorumunun yazarı Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Aşlag'ın (Baal HaSulam) ilk oğlu ve halefi Rav Baruh Şalom HaLevi Aşlag'ın (RABAŞ) yazıları, bize Kabala bilgeliğini insan deneyimimize bağlayan manzaralar sunar.Bu kitaplar, RABAŞ'ın insan doğası hakkında sahip olduğu derin bilgiyi ifşa eder ve bizi kendi ruhlarımıza doğru bir yolculuğa çıkarır. Metinleri özümsedikçe, Kabala'nın şifreli bir okültizm değil, kendimizi anlamak, yaşamlarımızı ve çevremizdeki dünyayı iy...

Regular Price: $25.00


Zohar Kitabı üzerine Sulam (Merdiven) yorumunun yazarı Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Aşlag'ın (Baal HaSu...

Zohar Kitabı üzerine Sulam (Merdiven) yorumunun yazarı Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Aşlag'ın (Baal HaSulam) ilk oğlu ve halefi Rav Baruh Şalom HaLevi Aşlag'ın (RABAŞ) yazıları, bize Kabala bilgeliğini insan deneyimimize bağlayan manzaralar sunar.Bu kitaplar, RABAŞ'ın insan doğası hakkında sahip olduğu derin bilgiyi ifşa eder ve bizi kendi ruhlarımıza doğru bir yolculuğa çıkarır. Metinleri özümsedikçe, Kabala'nın şifreli bir okültizm değil, kendimizi anlamak, yaşamlarımızı ve çevremizdeki dünyayı iy...

Regular Price: $25.00


Zohar Kitabı üzerine Sulam (Merdiven) yorumunun yazarı Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Aşlag'ın (Baal HaSu...

Zohar Kitabı üzerine Sulam (Merdiven) yorumunun yazarı Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Aşlag'ın (Baal HaSulam) ilk oğlu ve halefi Rav Baruh Şalom HaLevi Aşlag'ın (RABAŞ) yazıları, bize Kabala bilgeliğini insan deneyimimize bağlayan manzaralar sunar.Bu kitaplar, RABAŞ'ın insan doğası hakkında sahip olduğu derin bilgiyi ifşa eder ve bizi kendi ruhlarımıza doğru bir yolculuğa çıkarır. Metinleri özümsedikçe, Kabala'nın şifreli bir okültizm değil, kendimizi anlamak, yaşamlarımızı ve çevremizdeki dünyayı iy...

Regular Price: $25.00


Zohar Kitabı üzerine Sulam (Merdiven) yorumunun yazarı Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Aşlag'ın (Baal HaSu...

Zohar Kitabı üzerine Sulam (Merdiven) yorumunun yazarı Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Aşlag'ın (Baal HaSulam) ilk oğlu ve halefi Rav Baruh Şalom HaLevi Aşlag'ın (RABAŞ) yazıları, bize Kabala bilgeliğini insan deneyimimize bağlayan manzaralar sunar.Bu kitaplar, RABAŞ'ın insan doğası hakkında sahip olduğu derin bilgiyi ifşa eder ve bizi kendi ruhlarımıza doğru bir yolculuğa çıkarır. Metinleri özümsedikçe, Kabala'nın şifreli bir okültizm değil, kendimizi anlamak, yaşamlarımızı ve çevremizdeki dünyayı iy...

Regular Price: $25.00


Zohar Kitabı üzerine Sulam (Merdiven) yorumunun yazarı Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Aşlag'ın (Baal HaSu...

Zohar Kitabı üzerine Sulam (Merdiven) yorumunun yazarı Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Aşlag'ın (Baal HaSulam) ilk oğlu ve halefi Rav Baruh Şalom HaLevi Aşlag'ın (RABAŞ) yazıları, bize Kabala bilgeliğini insan deneyimimize bağlayan manzaralar sunar.Bu kitaplar, RABAŞ'ın insan doğası hakkında sahip olduğu derin bilgiyi ifşa eder ve bizi kendi ruhlarımıza doğru bir yolculuğa çıkarır. Metinleri özümsedikçe, Kabala'nın şifreli bir okültizm değil, kendimizi anlamak, yaşamlarımızı ve çevremizdeki dünyayı iy...

Regular Price: $25.00

Raggiungere i Mondi Superiori

Un'Opera fondamentale per il cammino spirituale di coloro i quali cercano di trovare il significa...

Un'Opera fondamentale per il cammino spirituale di coloro i quali cercano di trovare il significato della vita e di "connettersi con quella forza generale che governa tutta la natura e che i kabbalisti chiamano il Creatore". Gli insegnamenti trasmessi dai grandi kabbalisti del passato, esposti in una forma chiara e completa da M. Laitman, sono disponibili alle nuove generazioni, dopo secoli di occultamento. La Kabbalah è un metodo pratico che permette allo studente di sperimentare ciò che i k...

Regular Price: $30.00
Sale Price: $19.95

Raggiungere i Mondi Superiori (E-Book)

Raggiungere i Mondi Superiori (E-Book)Un'Opera fondamentale per il cammino spirituale di coloro i...

Raggiungere i Mondi Superiori (E-Book)Un'Opera fondamentale per il cammino spirituale di coloro i quali cercano di trovare il significato della vita e di "connettersi con quella forza generale che governa tutta la natura e che i kabbalisti chiamano il Creatore".Gli insegnamenti trasmessi dai grandi kabbalisti del passato, esposti in una forma chiara e completa da M. Laitman, sono disponibili alle nuove generazioni, dopo secoli di occultamento. La Kabbalah è un metodo pratico che permette allo...

Regular Price: $9.99

Raktas į kabalą - Klausimai Ir Atsakymai

Raktas į kabalą pateikia apmąstymų apie gyvenimo, kančių prasmę, likimo valdymą, gyvenimo kelio, ...

Raktas į kabalą pateikia apmąstymų apie gyvenimo, kančių prasmę, likimo valdymą, gyvenimo kelio, tobulybės paieškas, egoizmą, tikrojo „aš“ suradimą, sielą ir kūną, reinkarnaciją, tikėjimus, maldą ir atsakymą į amžiną klausimą, iš kur atėjome ir kur einame.„Iki 1995 metų buvau užsiėmęs kabalistinių grupių kūrimu visame pasaulyje. Pasipylė klausimai, jų vis gausėjo, kol tapo nebeįmanoma atsakinėti įprastais laiškais. Todėl nusprendžiau sukurti interneto svetainę, atsakyti visiems klausiantiems ...

Regular Price: $25.00

Raktas į kabalą - Klausimai Ir Atsakymai (E-Book)

Raktas į kabalą pateikia apmąstymų apie gyvenimo, kančių prasmę, likimo valdymą, gyvenimo kelio, ...

Raktas į kabalą pateikia apmąstymų apie gyvenimo, kančių prasmę, likimo valdymą, gyvenimo kelio, tobulybės paieškas, egoizmą, tikrojo „aš“ suradimą, sielą ir kūną, reinkarnaciją, tikėjimus, maldą ir atsakymą į amžiną klausimą, iš kur atėjome ir kur einame.„Iki 1995 metų buvau užsiėmęs kabalistinių grupių kūrimu visame pasaulyje. Pasipylė klausimai, jų vis gausėjo, kol tapo nebeįmanoma atsakinėti įprastais laiškais. Todėl nusprendžiau sukurti interneto svetainę, atsakyti visiems klausiantiems ...

Regular Price: $9.99


RAZKRITA KABALA; VODIČ ZA MIRNEJŠE ŽIVLJENJE"„To knjigo sem se odloèil napisati, da bi predstavil...

RAZKRITA KABALA; VODIČ ZA MIRNEJŠE ŽIVLJENJE"„To knjigo sem se odloèil napisati, da bi predstavil kabalo kot izvor""žive modrosti, ki je svojo vrednost dokazala v veè tisoè letih. Pravzaprav"je kabala kot duhovni in praktièni vodiè skozi življenje danespomembnejša kot kdajkoli prej.„Razkrita kabala“ pripoveduje resnièno zgodbo o kabali: kako je"nastala, kako se je razvijala in kako danes služi kot vodnik nam""vsem, nam pomaga mirno živeti in napredovati v današnjem"nevarnem svetu.Ravno tako n...

Regular Price: $15.00


RAZKRITA KABALA; VODIČ ZA MIRNEJŠE ŽIVLJENJE"„To knjigo sem se odloèil napisati, da bi predstavil...

RAZKRITA KABALA; VODIČ ZA MIRNEJŠE ŽIVLJENJE"„To knjigo sem se odloèil napisati, da bi predstavil kabalo kot izvor""žive modrosti, ki je svojo vrednost dokazala v veè tisoè letih. Pravzaprav"je kabala kot duhovni in praktièni vodiè skozi življenje danespomembnejša kot kdajkoli prej.„Razkrita kabala“ pripoveduje resnièno zgodbo o kabali: kako je"nastala, kako se je razvijala in kako danes služi kot vodnik nam""vsem, nam pomaga mirno živeti in napredovati v današnjem"nevarnem svetu.Ravno tako n...

Regular Price: $9.99

Rescate de la crisis mundial

Los antecedentes del Dr. Michael Laitman lo colocan en una posición única para ofrecer un panoram...

Los antecedentes del Dr. Michael Laitman lo colocan en una posición única para ofrecer un panorama vasto y esperanzador sobre la actual crisis mundial.Una guía práctica para emerger fortalecidos Los antecedentes del Dr. Michael Laitman lo colocan en una posición única para ofrecer un panorama vasto y esperanzador sobre la actual crisis mundial. El Dr. Laitman brinda una perspectiva real y acertada, basada en sus ámbitos de especialización como Profesor de Ontología, Doctor en Filosofía y Caba...

Regular Price: $15.00
Sale Price: $12.95


Los antecedentes del Dr. Michael Laitman lo colocan en una posición única para ofrecer un panoram...

Los antecedentes del Dr. Michael Laitman lo colocan en una posición única para ofrecer un panorama vasto y esperanzador sobre la actual crisis mundial.Una guía práctica para emerger fortalecidos Los antecedentes del Dr. Michael Laitman lo colocan en una posición única para ofrecer un panorama vasto y esperanzador sobre la actual crisis mundial.El Dr. Laitman brinda una perspectiva real y acertada, basada en sus ámbitos de especialización como Profesor de Ontología, Doctor en Filosofía y Cabal...

Regular Price: $9.99


Una guía práctica para emerger fortalecidosLos antecedentes del Dr. Michael Laitman lo colocan en...

Una guía práctica para emerger fortalecidosLos antecedentes del Dr. Michael Laitman lo colocan en una posición única para ofrecer un panorama vasto y esperanzador sobre la actual crisis mundial.Una guía práctica para emerger fortalecidos Los antecedentes del Dr. Michael Laitman lo colocan en una posición única para ofrecer un panorama vasto y esperanzador sobre la actual crisis mundial. El Dr. Laitman brinda una perspectiva real y acertada, basada en sus ámbitos de especialización como Profes...

Regular Price: $9.99

Revealing the Zohar / Discovering a New Reality - World Zohar Convention New York - May 7-9, 2010

Revealing the Zohar / Discovering a New Reality - World Zohar Convention New York - May 7-9, 2010

Revealing the Zohar / Discovering a New Reality - World Zohar Convention New York - May 7-9, 2010

Regular Price: $15.95

Revealing the Zohar / Discovering a New Reality - World Zohar Convention New York - May 7-9, 2010...

Revealing the Zohar / Discovering a New Reality - World Zohar ConventionNew York - May 7-9, 2010 ...

Revealing the Zohar / Discovering a New Reality - World Zohar ConventionNew York - May 7-9, 2010 (E-book)

Regular Price: $9.99

Revealing the Zohar / Discovering a New Reality - World Zohar Convention New York - May 7-9, 2010...

Revealing the Zohar / Discovering a New Reality - World Zohar Convention New York - May 7-9, 2010...

Revealing the Zohar / Discovering a New Reality - World Zohar Convention New York - May 7-9, 2010 (ePub)

Regular Price: $9.99

Revealing the Zohar / Discovering a New Reality - World Zohar Convention New York - May 7-9, 2010...

Revealing the Zohar / Discovering a New Reality - World Zohar Convention New York - May 7-9, 2010...

Revealing the Zohar / Discovering a New Reality - World Zohar Convention New York - May 7-9, 2010 (Mobi)

Regular Price: $9.99

Revealing the Zohar / Discovering a New Reality - World Zohar Convention New York - May 7-9, 2010...

Revealing the Zohar / Discovering a New Reality - World Zohar Convention New York - May 7-9, 2010...

Revealing the Zohar / Discovering a New Reality - World Zohar Convention New York - May 7-9, 2010 (PDF)

Regular Price: $9.99


RUH VE BEDENZamanın başlangıcından beri insan, varoluşun temel sorusuna cevap aramaktadır: Ben ki...

RUH VE BEDENZamanın başlangıcından beri insan, varoluşun temel sorusuna cevap aramaktadır: Ben kimim, dünyanın ve benim var olmamızın sebebi ne, öldükten sonra bize ne oluyor? Hayatın anlamı ve amacı ile ilgili sorularımız, gündelik hayatın sınamaları ve acıları, küresel bir boyuta ulaştı – neden acı çekmek zorundayız? Bu sorulara cevap olmadığından, mümkün olan her yöne doğru araştırmalar yapılmaktadır.

Regular Price: $10.00


RUH VE BEDEN (E-Book)Zamanın başlangıcından beri insan, varoluşun temel sorusuna cevap aramaktadı...

RUH VE BEDEN (E-Book)Zamanın başlangıcından beri insan, varoluşun temel sorusuna cevap aramaktadır: Ben kimim, dünyanın ve benim var olmamızın sebebi ne, öldükten sonra bize ne oluyor? Hayatın anlamı ve amacı ile ilgili sorularımız, gündelik hayatın sınamaları ve acıları, küresel bir boyuta ulaştı – neden acı çekmek zorundayız? Bu sorulara cevap olmadığından, mümkün olan her yöne doğru araştırmalar yapılmaktadır.

Regular Price: $9.99

Sabedoria Maravilhosa (E-Book)

Sabedoria Maravilhosa é um guia para quem está iniciando seus estudos de Cabalá. Baseado em texto...

Sabedoria Maravilhosa é um guia para quem está iniciando seus estudos de Cabalá. Baseado em textos autênticos da Cabalá oferece uma squência de lições, passadas de Cabalistas para os alunos ao longo dos séculos e que revelam a natureza desta sabedoria.

Regular Price: $9.99

Salmenes bok - Kong David

Man kan se på salmenes bok hovedsakelig på tre måter. For mange er den en bok med ett hundre og f...

Man kan se på salmenes bok hovedsakelig på tre måter. For mange er den en bok med ett hundre og femti vakkert skrevne dikt. For noen er den arven etter den mektigste konge som har hersket noen gang, og for andre er den deres forhold til G-d.I denne oversettelsen av Salmenes bok er det ikke vår oppgave å forstå ordene, men å velge hvordan man ønsker å se på dem. 

Regular Price: $20.00

Salmenes bok - Kong David (E-Book)

Man kan se på salmenes bok hovedsakelig på tre måter. For mange er den en bok med ett hundre og f...

Man kan se på salmenes bok hovedsakelig på tre måter. For mange er den en bok med ett hundre og femti vakkert skrevne dikt. For noen er den arven etter den mektigste konge som har hersket noen gang, og for andre er den deres forhold til G-d.I denne oversettelsen av Salmenes bok er det ikke vår oppgave å forstå ordene, men å velge hvordan man ønsker å se på dem.   

Regular Price: $9.99

Şamati (Duydum)

Kabalist Michael Laitman'ın Şamati ile ilgili sözleri(Üst Dünyaları Edinmek kitabında görüldüğü ü...

Kabalist Michael Laitman'ın Şamati ile ilgili sözleri(Üst Dünyaları Edinmek kitabında görüldüğü üzere):“Öğretmenim Kabalist Baruh Şalom Halevi Aşlag (Rabaş) tarafından kullanılan tüm metinler ve notlar arasında, her zaman yanında taşıdığı özel bir defter vardı. Bu defter, Zohar Kitabı üzerine Sulam (Merdiven) yorumunun, On Sefirot Çalışması (Kabalist Ari'nin metinleri üzerine bir yorum) ve Kabala üzerine diğer birçok çalışmanın yazarı olan babası, Kabalist Yehuda Leib Halevi Ashlag (Baal HaSu...

Regular Price: $20.00

Šamati (Slyšel jsem)

Vydáme-li se cestou, kterou nám popsali velcí kabalisté (Ba‘alHaSulam byl jedním z nich), můžeme...

Vydáme-li se cestou, kterou nám popsali velcí kabalisté (Ba‘alHaSulam byl jedním z nich), můžeme během života na tomto světě objevit Vyšší sílu, jež naplňuje vše.Pak odhalíme pravdivý obraz okolní reality, nekonečný a věčný tok života, a plně porozumíme tomu, co se děje a proč a na jakém základě funguje celá příroda. Ale především tím naplníme vyšší osud člověka – dosažení Myšlenky stvoření – vzestup na nejvyšší úroveň existence.Kniha nejen popisuje stádia a způsoby vnitřní práce člověka na ...

Regular Price: $24.95
Sale Price: $17.95

Šamati (Slyšel jsem) (E-Book)

Vydáme-li se cestou, kterou nám popsali velcí kabalisté (Ba‘alHaSulam byl jedním z nich), můžeme ...

Vydáme-li se cestou, kterou nám popsali velcí kabalisté (Ba‘alHaSulam byl jedním z nich), můžeme během života na tomto světě objevit Vyšší sílu, jež naplňuje vše.Pak odhalíme pravdivý obraz okolní reality, nekonečný a věčný tok života, a plně porozumíme tomu, co se děje a proč a na jakém základě funguje celá příroda. Ale především tím naplníme vyšší osud člověka – dosažení Myšlenky stvoření – vzestup na nejvyšší úroveň existence.Kniha nejen popisuje stádia a způsoby vnitřní práce člověka na c...

Regular Price: $9.99

Secercah CAHAYA - Dasar-dasar Kearifan Kabbalah

“Betapa beruntungnya saya karena saya terlahir dalam generasi ketika kearifan kebenaran diizinkan...

“Betapa beruntungnya saya karena saya terlahir dalam generasi ketika kearifan kebenaran diizinkan untuk diberitahukan “ –Rav Yehuda AshlagSetelah berabad-abad didalam kesembunyian, kearifan otentik Kabbalah diungkapkan untuk menuntun kita menuju masa depan yang lebih baik. Secercah Cahaya: Dasar-dasar Kearifan Kabbalah membuka jendela menuju kearifan rahasia. Menawarkan rasa pertama dari kekuatannya, buku ini menawarkan sekilas tentang emosi dan wawasan yang dihadirkan oleh Kearifan Kabbalah ...

Regular Price: $11.95

Secercah CAHAYA - Dasar-dasar Kearifan Kabbalah (eBook)

“Betapa beruntungnya saya karena saya terlahir dalam generasi ketika kearifan kebenaran diizinkan...

“Betapa beruntungnya saya karena saya terlahir dalam generasi ketika kearifan kebenaran diizinkan untuk diberitahukan “ –Rav Yehuda Ashlag Setelah berabad-abad didalam kesembunyian, kearifan otentik Kabbalah diungkapkan untuk menuntun kita menuju masa depan yang lebih baik.Secercah Cahaya: Dasar-dasar Kearifan Kabbalah membuka jendela menuju kearifan rahasia.Menawarkan rasa pertama dari kekuatannya, buku ini menawarkan sekilas tentang emosi dan wawasan yang dihadirkan oleh Kearifan Kabbalah p...

Regular Price: $9.99

Secrets of the Bible Package (eBook)

The Secrets of the Eternal Book decodes some of the Bible’s most enigmatic, yet oft-cited epochs....

The Secrets of the Eternal Book decodes some of the Bible’s most enigmatic, yet oft-cited epochs. The author’s lively and easygoing style makes for a smooth entrance into the depths of perception, where one changes one’s world simply by contemplation and desire. While reading, you will gently rise beyond the level of physical events as they are described in the Bible, and you will find Pharaoh, Moses, Adam and Eve that lie within you.Disclosing a Portion The Pentateuch, or The Five Books of M...

Regular Price: $35.98

Secrets of the Bible Package (Print)

The Secrets of the Eternal Book decodes some of the Bible’s most enigmatic, yet oft-cited epochs....

The Secrets of the Eternal Book decodes some of the Bible’s most enigmatic, yet oft-cited epochs. The author’s lively and easygoing style makes for a smooth entrance into the depths of perception, where one changes one’s world simply by contemplation and desire. While reading, you will gently rise beyond the level of physical events as they are described in the Bible, and you will find Pharaoh, Moses, Adam and Eve that lie within you.Disclosing a Portion The Pentateuch, or The Five Books of M...

Regular Price: $89.95
Sale Price: $69.95

Self-Interest vs. Altruism in the Global Era

Self-Interest vs. Altruism in the Global Era presents a new perspective on the challenges current...

Self-Interest vs. Altruism in the Global Era presents a new perspective on the challenges currently facing the world. Dr. Laitman shows the reader that the problems of the world are the consequence of humanity’s growing egotism. In that spirit, the book suggests ways to use our egos for society’s benefit, rather than merely for our own self-interest.The earlier chapters offer a unique understanding of humanity’s existence on this planet and how our collective egoism has influenced the develop...

Regular Price: $19.95

Self-Interest vs. Altruism in the Global Era (eBook)

Self-Interest vs. Altruism in the Global Era presents a new perspective on the challenges current...

Self-Interest vs. Altruism in the Global Era presents a new perspective on the challenges currently facing the world. Dr. Laitman shows the reader that the problems of the world are the consequence of humanity’s growing egotism. In that spirit, the book suggests ways to use our egos for society’s benefit, rather than merely for our own self-interest.The earlier chapters offer a unique understanding of humanity’s existence on this planet and how our collective egoism has influenced the develop...

Regular Price: $9.99

Self-Interest vs. Altruism in the Global Era: How society can turn self-interests into mutual ben...

Self-Interest vs. Altruism in the Global Era (ePub)Self-Interest vs. Altruism in the Global Era p...

Self-Interest vs. Altruism in the Global Era (ePub)Self-Interest vs. Altruism in the Global Era presents a new perspective on the challenges currently facing the world. Dr. Laitman shows the reader that the problems of the world are the consequence of humanity’s growing egotism. In that spirit, the book suggests ways to use our egos for society’s benefit, rather than merely for our own self-interest.The earlier chapters offer a unique understanding of humanity’s existence on this planet and h...

Regular Price: $9.99

Self-Interest vs. Altruism in the Global Era: How society can turn self-interests into mutual ben...

Self-Interest vs. Altruism in the Global Era (Mobi)Self-Interest vs. Altruism in the Global Era p...

Self-Interest vs. Altruism in the Global Era (Mobi)Self-Interest vs. Altruism in the Global Era presents a new perspective on the challenges currently facing the world. Dr. Laitman shows the reader that the problems of the world are the consequence of humanity’s growing egotism. In that spirit, the book suggests ways to use our egos for society’s benefit, rather than merely for our own self-interest.The earlier chapters offer a unique understanding of humanity’s existence on this planet and h...

Regular Price: $9.99

Self-Interest vs. Altruism in the Global Era: How society can turn self-interests into mutual ben...

Self-Interest vs. Altruism in the Global Era (PDF)Self-Interest vs. Altruism in the Global Era pr...

Self-Interest vs. Altruism in the Global Era (PDF)Self-Interest vs. Altruism in the Global Era presents a new perspective on the challenges currently facing the world. Dr. Laitman shows the reader that the problems of the world are the consequence of humanity’s growing egotism. In that spirit, the book suggests ways to use our egos for society’s benefit, rather than merely for our own self-interest.The earlier chapters offer a unique understanding of humanity’s existence on this planet and ho...

Regular Price: $9.99


Sempre Comigo é mais do que um livro de memórias sobre meu professor. É uma exposição de um camin...

Sempre Comigo é mais do que um livro de memórias sobre meu professor. É uma exposição de um caminho espiritual e um relato íntimo de um grande cabalista; detalha a formação e evolução da relação e estudo conjunto de um professor e seu discípulo devotado.Por meio de um vínculo profundo, conflitos, assistência e rejeições, devoção, protestos, subidas e descidas, o professor imbuiu em mim a sabedoria da Cabala. RABASH era o porta-estandarte, o último de uma linha de gigantes espirituais dedicado...

Regular Price: $15.00


Rav Michael Laitman sagt über Shamati: "Unter all den Texten und Mitschriften, die meine Lehrer, ...

Rav Michael Laitman sagt über Shamati: "Unter all den Texten und Mitschriften, die meine Lehrer, Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (der Rabash), benutzt hat, gab es ein besonderes Notizbuch, welches er immer mit sich trug. Dieses Buch enthielt Niederschriften von den Gesprächen mit seinem Vater, Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), Autor des Sulam (Leiter) Kommentars zum Buch des Zohar und vielen anderen kabbalistischen Texten.Als es dem Rabash zum jüdischen Neujahrsfest im September 1...

Regular Price: $40.00
Sale Price: $34.95

Shamati (Escuché) (E-Book)

“Al no sentirse bien durante el Año Nuevo Judío en septiembre de 1991, Rabash me llamó a su lado ...

“Al no sentirse bien durante el Año Nuevo Judío en septiembre de 1991, Rabash me llamó a su lado en su lecho de enfermo, y me entregó un cuaderno de notas, en cuya cubierta se podía leer sólo una palabra: Shamati (He escuchado). Cuando me entregó el cuaderno, me dijo: ‘Tómalo y aprende de él’. A la mañana siguiente, mi maestro murió en mis brazos, dejándome a mí y a muchos de sus discípulos sin dirección en este mundo”. Comprometido con el legado de Rabash por diseminar la sabiduría de la Cab...

Regular Price: $9.99


Entre todos os textos e anotações do Rabi Baruch Shalom Halevi Ashlag (o Rabash), havia um cadern...

Entre todos os textos e anotações do Rabi Baruch Shalom Halevi Ashlag (o Rabash), havia um caderno especial que ele sempre carregava. Este caderno continha as transcrições de suas conversas com seu pai, o rabino Yehuda Leib Halevi Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), autor do comentário Sulam (Escada) sobre O Livro do Zohar e de muitos outros trabalhos sobre Cabalá. Não se sentindo bem na véspera do Ano Novo judaico, em setembro de 1991, Rabash convocou seu aluno principal e assistente pessoal, Michael Lai...

Regular Price: $30.00
Sale Price: $19.95

SHAMATI (Eu Ouvi) (E-Book)

Entre todos os textos e anotações do Rabi Baruch Shalom Halevi Ashlag (o Rabash), havia um cadern...

Entre todos os textos e anotações do Rabi Baruch Shalom Halevi Ashlag (o Rabash), havia um caderno especial que ele sempre carregava.Este caderno continha as transcrições de suas conversas com seu pai, o rabino Yehuda Leib Halevi Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), autor do comentário Sulam (Escada) sobre O Livro do Zohar e de muitos outros trabalhos sobre Cabalá.Não se sentindo bem na véspera do Ano Novo judaico, em setembro de 1991, Rabash convocou seu aluno principal e assistente pessoal, Michael Laitm...

Regular Price: $9.99

Shamati (He escuchado)

“Al no sentirse bien durante el Año Nuevo Judío en septiembre de 1991, Rabash me llamó a su lado ...

“Al no sentirse bien durante el Año Nuevo Judío en septiembre de 1991, Rabash me llamó a su lado en su lecho de enfermo, y me entregó un cuaderno de notas, en cuya cubierta se podía leer sólo una palabra: Shamati (He escuchado). Cuando me entregó el cuaderno, me dijo: ‘Tómalo y aprende de él’. A la mañana siguiente, mi maestro murió en mis brazos, dejándome a mí y a muchos de sus discípulos sin dirección en este mundo”.Comprometido con el legado de Rabash por diseminar la sabiduría de la Caba...

Regular Price: $21.95

Shamati (He escuchado) (PDF)

“Al no sentirse bien durante el Año Nuevo Judío en septiembre de 1991, Rabash me llamó a su lado ...

“Al no sentirse bien durante el Año Nuevo Judío en septiembre de 1991, Rabash me llamó a su lado en su lecho de enfermo, y me entregó un cuaderno de notas, en cuya cubierta se podía leer sólo una palabra: Shamati (He escuchado). Cuando me entregó el cuaderno, me dijo: ‘Tómalo y aprende de él’. A la mañana siguiente, mi maestro murió en mis brazos, dejándome a mí y a muchos de sus discípulos sin dirección en este mundo”. Comprometido con el legado de Rabash por diseminar la sabiduría de la Cab...

Regular Price: $9.99

Shamati (Ho Udito)

Il Prof. Michael Laitman, in merito al libro, scrive:“Tra tutti i testi e le note usate dal mio m...

Il Prof. Michael Laitman, in merito al libro, scrive:“Tra tutti i testi e le note usate dal mio maestro Rav Baruch Shalom Halevi Ashlag (Rabash), c’era un quaderno speciale che portava sempre con sé. Questo quaderno conteneva le trascrizioni delle conversazioni con suo padre Rav Yehuda Leib Halevi Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), autore del Commentario Sulam (La Scala) de Il Libro dello Zohar, del Lo studio delle dieci Sefirot (Commentario ai testi del Kabbalista Ari), e di molte altre opere sulla Kabb...

Regular Price: $45.00
Sale Price: $29.95

Shamati (Ho Udito) (E-Book)

Il Prof. Michael Laitman, in merito al libro, scrive:“Tra tutti i testi e le note usate dal mio m...

Il Prof. Michael Laitman, in merito al libro, scrive:“Tra tutti i testi e le note usate dal mio maestro Rav Baruch Shalom Halevi Ashlag (Rabash), c’era un quaderno speciale che portava sempre con sé. Questo quaderno conteneva le trascrizioni delle conversazioni con suo padre Rav Yehuda Leib Halevi Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), autore del Commentario Sulam (La Scala) de Il Libro dello Zohar, del Lo studio delle dieci Sefirot (Commentario ai testi del Kabbalista Ari), e di molte altre opere sulla Kabb...

Regular Price: $9.99

Shamati (I Heard)

Among all the texts and notes of Rabbi Baruch Shalom Halevi Ashlag (the Rabash), there was one sp...

Among all the texts and notes of Rabbi Baruch Shalom Halevi Ashlag (the Rabash), there was one special notebook he always carried. This notebook contained the transcripts of his conversations with his father, Rabbi Yehuda Leib Halevi Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), author of the Sulam (Ladder) commentary on The Book of Zohar and of many other works on Kabbalah. Not feeling well on the Jewish New Year in September 1991, the Rabash summoned his primary student and personal assistant, Michael Laitman, to...

Regular Price: $25.95

Shamati (I Heard) (E-Book)

Among all the texts and notes of Rabbi Baruch Shalom Halevi Ashlag (the Rabash), there was one sp...

Among all the texts and notes of Rabbi Baruch Shalom Halevi Ashlag (the Rabash), there was one special notebook he always carried. This notebook contained the transcripts of his conversations with his father, Rabbi Yehuda Leib Halevi Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), author of the Sulam (Ladder) commentary on The Book of Zohar and of many other works on Kabbalah. Not feeling well on the Jewish New Year in September 1991, the Rabash summoned his primary student and personal assistant, Michael Laitman, to...

Regular Price: $9.99

Shamati (I Heard) (ePub)

Among all the texts and notes of Rabbi Baruch Shalom Halevi Ashlag (the Rabash), there was one sp...

Among all the texts and notes of Rabbi Baruch Shalom Halevi Ashlag (the Rabash), there was one special notebook he always carried.Among all the texts and notes of Rabbi Baruch Shalom Halevi Ashlag (the Rabash), there was one special notebook he always carried. This notebook contained the transcripts of his conversations with his father, Rabbi Yehuda Leib Halevi Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), author of the Sulam (Ladder) commentary on The Book of Zohar and of many other works on Kabbalah. Not feeling ...

Regular Price: $9.99

Shamati (I Heard) (Kindle)

Among all the texts and notes of Rabbi Baruch Shalom Halevi Ashlag (the Rabash), there was one sp...

Among all the texts and notes of Rabbi Baruch Shalom Halevi Ashlag (the Rabash), there was one special notebook he always carried.Among all the texts and notes of Rabbi Baruch Shalom Halevi Ashlag (the Rabash), there was one special notebook he always carried. This notebook contained the transcripts of his conversations with his father, Rabbi Yehuda Leib Halevi Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), author of the Sulam (Ladder) commentary on The Book of Zohar and of many other works on Kabbalah. Not feeling ...

Regular Price: $9.99

Shamati (I Heard) (PDF)

Among all the texts and notes of Rabbi Baruch Shalom Halevi Ashlag (the Rabash), there was one sp...

Among all the texts and notes of Rabbi Baruch Shalom Halevi Ashlag (the Rabash), there was one special notebook he always carried.Among all the texts and notes of Rabbi Baruch Shalom Halevi Ashlag (the Rabash), there was one special notebook he always carried. This notebook contained the transcripts of his conversations with his father, Rabbi Yehuda Leib Halevi Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), author of the Sulam (Ladder) commentary on The Book of Zohar and of many other works on Kabbalah. Not feeling ...

Regular Price: $9.99

Shamati (I Heard) (PDF) (שמעתי-ספרון)

The notebook Shamati (I Heard) is a collection of essays given as talks by Baal HaSulam about the...

The notebook Shamati (I Heard) is a collection of essays given as talks by Baal HaSulam about the individual’s inner workThe notebook Shamati (I Heard) is a collection of essays given as talks by Baal HaSulam about the individual's inner work. These were written down by his son and disciple Rabbi Baruch Ashlag (Rabash), and were exclusively passed onto Rav Michael Laitman, PhD, who published them. Baal HaSulam's Igrot (Letters) to his students also encounter the processes and states in the in...

Regular Price: $9.99

Shamati (I Heard) - Leather Bound

Among all the texts and notes of Rabbi Baruch Shalom Halevi Ashlag (the Rabash), there was one sp...

Among all the texts and notes of Rabbi Baruch Shalom Halevi Ashlag (the Rabash), there was one special notebook he always carried. This notebook contained the transcripts of his conversations with his father, Rabbi Yehuda Leib Halevi Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), author of the Sulam (Ladder) commentary on The Book of Zohar and of many other works on Kabbalah. Not feeling well on the Jewish New Year in September 1991, the Rabash summoned his primary student and personal assistant, Michael Laitman, to...

Regular Price: $33.95

Shamati (ICH HÖRTE) (eBook)

Rav Michael Laitman sagt über Shamati: "Unter all den Texten und Mitschriften, die meine Lehrer, ...

Rav Michael Laitman sagt über Shamati: "Unter all den Texten und Mitschriften, die meine Lehrer, Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (der Rabash), benutzt hat, gab es ein besonderes Notizbuch, welches er immer mit sich trug.Dieses Buch enthielt Niederschriften von den Gesprächen mit seinem Vater, Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), Autor des Sulam (Leiter) Kommentars zum Buch des Zohar und vielen anderen kabbalistischen Texten.Als es dem Rabash zum jüdischen Neujahrsfest im September 19...

Regular Price: $9.99

Shamati (Jag hörde)

Shamati (Jag hörde)“Bland alla de texter och anteckningar som min lärare, Rabbi Baruch Shalom HaL...

Shamati (Jag hörde)“Bland alla de texter och anteckningar som min lärare, Rabbi Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (Rabash) använde sig av, fanns det en speciell anteckningsbok som han alltid bar med sig. I denna anteckningsbok fanns avskrifter av hans samtal med sin far, Rabbi Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), författare till Sulam (stege) kommentaren på boken Zohar, Studiet av de tio sfirot (en kommentar på texterna av kabbalisten Ari) och många andra kabbalistiska verk. Under det judiska...

Regular Price: $35.00
Sale Price: $20.00

Shamati (Jag hörde) (E-Book)

Shamati (Jag hörde) (E-Book)“Bland alla de texter och anteckningar som min lärare, Rabbi Baruch S...

Shamati (Jag hörde) (E-Book)“Bland alla de texter och anteckningar som min lärare, Rabbi Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (Rabash) använde sig av, fanns det en speciell anteckningsbok som han alltid bar med sig. I denna anteckningsbok fanns avskrifter av hans samtal med sin far, Rabbi Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), författare till Sulam (stege) kommentaren på boken Zohar, Studiet av de tio sfirot (en kommentar på texterna av kabbalisten Ari) och många andra kabbalistiska verk. Under de...

Regular Price: $9.99

Shamati (Jag hörde) (PDF)

Shamati (Jag hörde) (PDF) “Bland alla de texter och anteckningar som min lärare, Rabbi Baruch Sha...

Shamati (Jag hörde) (PDF) “Bland alla de texter och anteckningar som min lärare, Rabbi Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (Rabash) använde sig av, fanns det en speciell anteckningsbok som han alltid bar med sig. I denna anteckningsbok fanns avskrifter av hans samtal med sin far, Rabbi Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), författare till Sulam (stege) kommentaren på boken Zohar, Studiet av de tio sfirot (en kommentar på texterna av kabbalisten Ari) och många andra kabbalistiska verk. Under det...

Regular Price: $9.99

Shamati (J’ai entendu) Rav Yéhouda Ashlag (Baal HaSoulam)

« Ne se sentant pas bien lors du Nouvel An juif en septembre 1991, le Rabash m’appela à son cheve...

« Ne se sentant pas bien lors du Nouvel An juif en septembre 1991, le Rabash m’appela à son chevet et me remit un cahier, dont la couverture revêtait un seul mot : Shamati (J’ai entendu). Quand il me remit ce cahier, il me dit “Prends-le et apprends de lui”. Le lendemain matin, mon professeur mourut dans mes bras, me laissant moi ainsi que beaucoup de ses disciples sans orientation dans ce monde ». Engagé dans l’héritage du Rabash à diffuser la sagesse de la Kabbale, j’ai publié son c...

Regular Price: $24.95

Shamati (J’ai entendu) Rav Yéhouda Ashlag (Baal HaSoulam) (E-Book)

« Ne se sentant pas bien lors du Nouvel An juif en septembre 1991, le Rabash m’appela à son cheve...

« Ne se sentant pas bien lors du Nouvel An juif en septembre 1991, le Rabash m’appela à son chevet et me remit un cahier, dont la couverture revêtait un seul mot : Shamati (J’ai entendu). Quand il me remit ce cahier, il me dit “Prends-le et apprends de lui”. Le lendemain matin, mon professeur mourut dans mes bras, me laissant moi ainsi que beaucoup de ses disciples sans orientation dans ce monde ». Engagé dans l’héritage du Rabash à diffuser la sagesse de la Kabbale, j’ai publié son cahi...

Regular Price: $9.99

Shamati - I heard (Download)

Among all the texts and notes of Rabbi Baruch Shalom Halevi Ashlag (the Rabash), there was one sp...

Among all the texts and notes of Rabbi Baruch Shalom Halevi Ashlag (the Rabash), there was one special notebook he always carried. This notebook contained the transcripts of his conversations with his father, Rabbi Yehuda Leib Halevi Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), author of the Sulam (Ladder) commentary on The Book of Zohar and of many other works on Kabbalah.Not feeling well on the Jewish New Year in September 1991, the Rabash summoned his primary student and personal assistant, Michael Laitman, to ...

Regular Price: $10.00

Sidur completo (oraciones diarias en hebreo y español)

Sidur en español con texto hebreo completo completamente restablecido en tipografía nítida y mode...

Sidur en español con texto hebreo completo completamente restablecido en tipografía nítida y moderna. Fuentes bíblicas. Instrucciones claras y concisas. Subtítulos en hebreo. Nueva traducción al español de fácil lectura de todos los servicios de oración en encuadernación de lujo con relieve que durará generaciones.

$29.99 $48.99 (2 variants)


Sobre mi maestro Rabash

Sobre mi maestro Rabash

Regular Price: $9.99

SIEMPRE CONMIGO - Sobre mi maestro Rabash

Nos paramos en el semáforo en medio de la ciudad y nos preguntamos: ¿dónde vamos de aquí? Y yo ab...

Nos paramos en el semáforo en medio de la ciudad y nos preguntamos: ¿dónde vamos de aquí? Y yo abro la ventana y veo un hombre de traje negro que está parado en el semáforo, como si esperara nuestra llegada. Yo grito a través de la copiosa lluvia : "digame, ¿dónde se estudia aquí Cabalá?". Eso ocurrió cuarenta años atrás. En aquellos tiempos la gente huía de la palabra "Cabalá" como de la lepra. Sin embargo este hombre me miró y con calma me dijo: "doble aquí a la izquierda, siga hasta ver un...

Regular Price: $14.00

Siuolaikiniai vaikai. Kaip augti kartu?

Turetume mokyti vaikus, kaip dera ziūreti į pasaulį savo aplinką, artimus zmones, gamtą. Turetume...

Turetume mokyti vaikus, kaip dera ziūreti į pasaulį savo aplinką, artimus zmones, gamtą. Turetume jiems atverti gyvenimą, papasakoti apie teisingus santykius seimoje ir visuomeneje, apie pasaulį, zvaigzdes, pinigus, istoriją ir geografiją. Taip pat paaiskinti, jog visa tai sudaro vieną mechanizmą, darniai susijusią visumą, kurią privalu saugoti. Juk pazeidę sią harmoniją, sukeliame kančias ir krizes: ligas, ekologines katastrofas, karus ir teroristinius aktus.

Regular Price: $15.00

Skills for Life; A Practical Guide for Success in the Challenging New World

We each choose for ourselves the best way to lead our lives. The problem is that we often encount...

We each choose for ourselves the best way to lead our lives. The problem is that we often encounter several branching intersections that complicate our decisions on where we take our next steps. Skills for Life is a guidebook containing short chapters focusing on three life circles: self-management, interpersonal communication, and understanding the surrounding world. The content presented in the guide is based on a method of self development and connection to the social environment according...

Regular Price: $14.99

Skills for Life; A Practical Guide for Success in the Challenging New World (E-book)

We each choose for ourselves the best way to lead our lives. The problem is that we often encount...

We each choose for ourselves the best way to lead our lives. The problem is that we often encounter several branching intersections that complicate our decisions on where we take our next steps. Skills for Life is a guidebook containing short chapters focusing on three life circles: self-management, interpersonal communication, and understanding the surrounding world. The content presented in the guide is based on a method of self development and connection to the social environment according...

Regular Price: $9.99

Slaptoji Biblijos prasmė

Kai studijuojame Torą (Penkiaknygę, Bibliją), privalome suvokti pagrindinę taisyklę: visi Toroje ...

Kai studijuojame Torą (Penkiaknygę, Bibliją), privalome suvokti pagrindinę taisyklę: visi Toroje ir kitose šventosiose knygose parašyti žodžiai – ne mūsų pasaulio objektai. Jie simbolizuoja dvasinius objektus ir šaknis, kurie neturi nieko bendro su mūsų pasauliu. Niekad neturime susipainioti!Tora aiškina aukštesniojo pasaulio gimimą, jo sandarą ir raidos planą, o paskui Žmogaus sukūrimo procesą. Tačiau tai ne mūsų pasaulio žmogus. Tora kalba apie noro gauti malonumą (vadinamą siela arba Adomu...

Regular Price: $10.00

Sobectví, nebo altruismus?

Michael Laitman zasvětil svůj život výuce kabaly a srozumitelnému výkladu tohoto duchovního učení...

Michael Laitman zasvětil svůj život výuce kabaly a srozumitelnému výkladu tohoto duchovního učení co nejširšímu okruhu lidí. Podává základní ideje kabaly tak, aby jim porozuměl každý čtenář a aby ukázal, jaké základní popudy a touhy hýbou lidskou psychikou a vůbec vším stvořením. Poutavě, a přitom v pouhých několika bodech popisuje, jak vznikl vesmír i naše Země se svými rozmanitými formami života. Vše směřuje k přesvědčivým důkazům, že vyšším projevem lidské bytosti je touha dávat a že nesob...

Regular Price: $20.00

Studiebok till campus kabbala: Kabbalans andliga hemlighet

Studiebok till campus kabbalaVår tids störste kabbalist, Rav Yehuda Ashlag, författaren till Sula...

Studiebok till campus kabbalaVår tids störste kabbalist, Rav Yehuda Ashlag, författaren till Sulamkommentaren, en tolkning av boken Zohar, och hans son och efterföljare, Rav Baruch Ashlag, förser dig i denna studiebok med grundliga svar på frågan om meningen med livet. Baserat på deras tolkningar av Rabbi Shimon bar Yochais skrifter, författaren till boken Zohar, och den helige Ari (Rav Isaac Luria), författaren till Livets träd, lär vi oss hur vi ska dra nytta av den kabbalistiska visdomen i...

Regular Price: $18.00

Talks about the Steps of the Ladder (volume 1) (PDF) (שיחות על שלבי הסולם)

Talks about the Steps of the Ladder presents a one-of-a-kind collection of corporal and spiritual...

Talks about the Steps of the Ladder presents a one-of-a-kind collection of corporal and spiritual wisdom. The author moves through this space with enchanting grace and kindness, inviting us to join him on a journey to the depths of the soul. ייחודו של ספר זה הוא בחוכמה הגלומה בו, בשילוב הנדיר בין חוכמה פיסית, ארצית, לבין חוכמה אלוקית. באיזו בקיאות, באיזו נדיבות, הוא מתהלך במרחב הזה, ומזמין אותנו להצטרף למסע. הרב מיכאל לייטמן מראה איך המדע, הפסיכולוגיה וההיסטוריה תומכים זה בזה, כלולים זה בזה, ...

Regular Price: $9.99

Talks about the Steps of the Ladder (volume 2) (PDF) (שיחות על שלבי הסולם)

Talks about the Steps of the Ladder presents a one-of-a-kind collection of corporal and spiritual...

Talks about the Steps of the Ladder presents a one-of-a-kind collection of corporal and spiritual wisdom. The author moves through this space with enchanting grace and kindness, inviting us to join him on a journey to the depths of the soul. ייחודו של ספר זה הוא בחוכמה הגלומה בו, בשילוב הנדיר בין חוכמה פיסית, ארצית, לבין חוכמה אלוקית. באיזו בקיאות, באיזו נדיבות, הוא מתהלך במרחב הזה, ומזמין אותנו להצטרף למסע. הרב מיכאל לייטמן מראה איך המדע, הפסיכולוגיה וההיסטוריה תומכים זה בזה, כלולים זה בזה, ...

Regular Price: $9.99

Talks about the Steps of the Ladder (volume 3) (PDF) (שיחות על שלבי הסולם)

Talks about the Steps of the Ladder presents a one-of-a-kind collection of corporal and spiritual...

Talks about the Steps of the Ladder presents a one-of-a-kind collection of corporal and spiritual wisdom. The author moves through this space with enchanting grace and kindness, inviting us to join him on a journey to the depths of the soul. ייחודו של ספר זה הוא בחוכמה הגלומה בו, בשילוב הנדיר בין חוכמה פיסית, ארצית, לבין חוכמה אלוקית. באיזו בקיאות, באיזו נדיבות, הוא מתהלך במרחב הזה, ומזמין אותנו להצטרף למסע. הרב מיכאל לייטמן מראה איך המדע, הפסיכולוגיה וההיסטוריה תומכים זה בזה, כלולים זה בזה, ...

Regular Price: $9.99

Talks about the Steps of the Ladder (volume 4) (PDF) (שיחות על שלבי הסולם)

Talks about the Steps of the Ladder presents a one-of-a-kind collection of corporal and spiritual...

Talks about the Steps of the Ladder presents a one-of-a-kind collection of corporal and spiritual wisdom. The author moves through this space with enchanting grace and kindness, inviting us to join him on a journey to the depths of the soul. ייחודו של ספר זה הוא בחוכמה הגלומה בו, בשילוב הנדיר בין חוכמה פיסית, ארצית, לבין חוכמה אלוקית. באיזו בקיאות, באיזו נדיבות, הוא מתהלך במרחב הזה, ומזמין אותנו להצטרף למסע. הרב מיכאל לייטמן מראה איך המדע, הפסיכולוגיה וההיסטוריה תומכים זה בזה, כלולים זה בזה, ...

Regular Price: $9.99

Talmud Eser Hasefiros / תלמוד עשר הספירות by Rabbi Yehuda Ashlag

הספר העיקרי ללימוד שיטת הקבלה, פירוש "אור פנימי" נכתב על ידי בעל הסולם ומבוסס על כתבי האר"י. ספר ...

הספר העיקרי ללימוד שיטת הקבלה, פירוש "אור פנימי" נכתב על ידי בעל הסולם ומבוסס על כתבי האר"י. ספר לימוד מדעי הכולל שאלות ותשובות, פרוש המילים, ומתאר את מבנה הספירות והעולמות, ומסביר את הדרך לפעול בהם כדי לפתח את הרגשת האדם ולהביאו להשגת העולם העליון. כולל את החלקים המיוחדים שכתב בעל הסולם: הסתכלות  פנימית (This set of 6 books in soft cover might be shipped from overseas, please allow extra time to arrive)  

Regular Price: $150.00
Sale Price: $100.00

Talmud Eser Sefirot: The Study of the Ten Sefirot - 2 volumes

This series of books contains the works of the ARI, the foundation for the study of the Kabbalah,...

This series of books contains the works of the ARI, the foundation for the study of the Kabbalah, accompanied by the commentary of the Baal Hasulam. Questions and answers, explanations, and a guide to achieving the Upper Worlds are contained within this scientific text.This is a preliminary translation covering the foundational sections of Talmud Eser Sefirot and Baal Hasulam’s commentary. Selected sections have been translated in this edition; more will be translated in the near future and w...

$49.90 $75.00 (2 variants)

Talmud Eser Sefirot: The Study of the Ten Sefirot - Volume One

This series of books contains the works of the ARI, the foundation for the study of the Kabbalah,...

This series of books contains the works of the ARI, the foundation for the study of the Kabbalah, accompanied by the commentary of the Baal Hasulam. Questions and answers, explanations, and a guide to achieving the Upper Worlds are contained within this scientific text.This is a preliminary translation covering the foundational sections of Talmud Eser Sefirot and Baal Hasulam’s commentary. Selected sections have been translated in this edition; more will be translated in the near future and w...

$24.95 $34.00 (2 variants)

Talmud Eser Sefirot: The Study of the Ten Sefirot - Volume One (E-book)

This series of books contains the works of the ARI, the foundation for the study of the Kabbalah,...

This series of books contains the works of the ARI, the foundation for the study of the Kabbalah, accompanied by the commentary of the Baal Hasulam. Questions and answers, explanations, and a guide to achieving the Upper Worlds are contained within this scientific text.This is a preliminary translation covering the foundational sections of Talmud Eser Sefirot and Baal Hasulam’s commentary. Selected sections have been translated in this edition; more will be translated in the near future and w...

Regular Price: $9.99

Talmud Eser Sefirot: The Study of the Ten Sefirot - Volume Two

This series of books contains the works of the ARI, the foundation for the study of the Kabbalah,...

This series of books contains the works of the ARI, the foundation for the study of the Kabbalah, accompanied by the commentary of the Baal Hasulam. Questions and answers, explanations, and a guide to achieving the Upper Worlds are contained within this scientific text.This is a preliminary translation covering the foundational sections of Talmud Eser Sefirot and Baal Hasulam’s commentary. Selected sections have been translated in this edition; more will be translated in the near future and w...

$26.95 $45.00 (2 variants)

Talmud Eser Sefirot: The Study of the Ten Sefirot - Volume Two (E-book)

This series of books contains the works of the ARI, the foundation for the study of the Kabbalah,...

This series of books contains the works of the ARI, the foundation for the study of the Kabbalah, accompanied by the commentary of the Baal Hasulam. Questions and answers, explanations, and a guide to achieving the Upper Worlds are contained within this scientific text.This is a preliminary translation covering the foundational sections of Talmud Eser Sefirot and Baal Hasulam’s commentary. Selected sections have been translated in this edition; more will be translated in the near future and w...

Regular Price: $9.99

Tanah Completo - Hebraico e Português

The Torah is a narrative that begins with the creation of the world by God, continues with the o...

The Torah is a narrative that begins with the creation of the world by God, continues with the origins of the people of Israel, their descent into the land of Egypt, the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai, and ends with the death of Moses, before the people entered the promised land of Canaan. Interspersed in the story are the teachings, religious rituals and civil precepts, that is, the Ten Commandments, as well as the provisions for the celebration of Pesach (Exodus 12 and 13).

Regular Price: $59.95

Tanakh - Die Heilige Schrift: Hebräisch/Deutsch

Tanakh - Tora, Newi'im ("Propheten") und Ketuvim ("Schriften")Tanakh ist ein Akronym der hebräisc...

Tanakh - Tora, Newi'im ("Propheten") und Ketuvim ("Schriften")Tanakh ist ein Akronym der hebräischen Anfangsbuchstabens von jeder der drei traditionellen Unterteilungen des masoretischen Texts: Tora ("Lehren", auch bekannt als die fünf Bücher Mose), Newi'im ("Propheten") und Ketuwim ("Schriften") - somit TaNaKh.

Regular Price: $79.95

Tanakh - Torah, Nevi'im ("Prophets") and Ketuvim ("Writings") (English/Hebrew)

Tanakh is an acronym of the first Hebrew letter of each of the Masoretic Text's three traditional...

Tanakh is an acronym of the first Hebrew letter of each of the Masoretic Text's three traditional subdivisions: Torah ("Teaching", also known as the Five Books of Moses), Nevi'im ("Prophets") and Ketuvim ("Writings")—hence TaNaKh.Hebrew and English in side-by-side columns. The Tanakh text is accompanied by a superb English translation. English text divisions parallel the Hebrew parshiyot, with chapter and verse numbers noted in the margins. Transliterated personal and place names replace the ...

Regular Price: $49.95

Tehillim / Psaumes (Hebrew/French)

Tehillim / Psaumes (Hebrew/French) Le roi DavidPendant des siècles, le livre des Psaumes a été un...

Tehillim / Psaumes (Hebrew/French) Le roi DavidPendant des siècles, le livre des Psaumes a été une source de réconfort en temps de disette et une source d'inspiration en temps de réjouissances. Un Tehillim peut être récité collectivement ou individuellement lorsque le désir d’adresser des louanges et de rendre grâce au Créateur se présente ou, éventuellement, en période de crise et de disette. Nouvelle traduction, simplifiée et plus claire de ce livre bien-aimé. Son petit format permet de le ...

Regular Price: $12.00

Tehillim / Salmi (Hebrew/Italian)

Per secoli il Libro dei Salmi è stato fonte di conforto nei momenti di bisogno e fonte di ispiraz...

Per secoli il Libro dei Salmi è stato fonte di conforto nei momenti di bisogno e fonte di ispirazione nei momenti di gioia.Tehillim è recitato da persone collettivamente ed individualmente, con il desiderio di offrire elogio e ringraziamento al Creatore, oppure nei momenti di crisi e di bisogno. Una nuova traduzione, chiara e semplificata di questo amato libro. Le sue dimensioni ridotte permettono di inserirlo facilmente in borsa, zaino o valigetta. La copertina è personalizzata in maniera ar...

Regular Price: $12.00




Regular Price: $0.01

test product

Regular Price: $1.00

The Alternative to Our Life, Part 1 by Semion Vinokur, Part 2

Кто я и для чего существую? Откуда я, куда иду я, для чего появился я в этом мире? Возможно, что ...

Кто я и для чего существую? Откуда я, куда иду я, для чего появился я в этом мире? Возможно, что я уже был здесь? Приду ли я снова в этот мир? Могу ли я познать причины происходящего со мной? Отчего страдания в этом мире и можно ли их избежать? Как обрести покой, удовлетворение, счастье?Кто я и для чего существую? Откуда я, куда иду я, для чего появился я в этом мире? Возможно, что я уже был здесь? Приду ли я снова в этот мир? Могу ли я познать причины происходящего со мной? Отчего страдания ...

Regular Price: $2.50

The Alternative to Our Life, Part 2 by Semion Vinokur, Part 2

Любой человек, независимо от возраста, пола, происхождения, в процессе изучения Каббалы начинает ...

Любой человек, независимо от возраста, пола, происхождения, в процессе изучения Каббалы начинает ощущать духовный мир, начинает жить одновременно в обоих мирах. Любому совренному человеку доступна сегодня эта наука, которая дает ему возможность научиться управлять своей судьбойЛюбой человек, независимо от возраста, пола, происхождения, в процессе изучения Каббалы начинает ощущать духовный мир, начинает жить одновременно в обоих мирах. Любому совренному человеку доступна сегодня эта наука, кот...

Regular Price: $2.50

The Baobab that Opened Its Heart

“Long ago, when the big island of Madagascar was but a small village, there lived a young baobab ...

“Long ago, when the big island of Madagascar was but a small village, there lived a young baobab tree.” Like all good stories, the tale of the baobab tree is not just a beautiful story but one that carries a specific message, a message of love.The stories in this collection were all written with the love of nature, of people, and specifically with children in mind. They all share the desire to tell nature’s tale of unity, connectedness, and love.Kabbalah teaches that love is nature’s guiding ...

Regular Price: $19.95

The Baobab that Opened Its Heart (eBook)

“Long ago, when the big island of Madagascar was but a small village, there lived a young baobab ...

“Long ago, when the big island of Madagascar was but a small village, there lived a young baobab tree.” Like all good stories, the tale of the baobab tree is not just a beautiful story but one that carries a specific message, a message of love.The stories in this collection were all written with the love of nature, of people, and specifically with children in mind. They all share the desire to tell nature’s tale of unity, connectedness, and love.Kabbalah teaches that love is nature’s guiding ...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Battle of Abraham; A Novel-parable

The Battle of Abraham is an attempt to reconstruct through novelization the dramatic events in th...

The Battle of Abraham is an attempt to reconstruct through novelization the dramatic events in the early years of the life of Abraham, one of the most famous heroes in the history of mankind. Simultaneously, it is a profound story about each and every one of us.This book is based on several sources that include: “The Great Commentary”(“Midrash Raba”) by Maimonides (RAMBAM), the great 12th century Jewish scholar; the works of Flavius Josephus, a first-century Romano-Jewish historian and schola...

Regular Price: $14.95

The Battle of Abraham; A Novel-parable (PDF)

The Battle of Abraham is an attempt to reconstruct through novelization the dramatic events in th...

The Battle of Abraham is an attempt to reconstruct through novelization the dramatic events in the early years of the life of Abraham, one of the most famous heroes in the history of mankind. Simultaneously, it is a profound story about each and every one of us.This book is based on several sources that include: “The Great Commentary”(“Midrash Raba”) by Maimonides (RAMBAM), the great 12th century Jewish scholar; the works of Flavius Josephus, a first-century Romano-Jewish historian and schola...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Benefits of the New Economy

Have you ever wondered why, for all the efforts of the best economists in the world, the economic...

Have you ever wondered why, for all the efforts of the best economists in the world, the economic crisis refuses to wane? The answer to that question lies with us, all of us. The economy is a reflection of our relationships. Through natural development, the world has become an integrated global village where we are all interdependent.Interdependence and “globalization” mean that what happens in one part of the world affects every other part of it. As a result, a solution to the global crisis ...

Regular Price: $15.95

The Benefits of the New Economy (E-book)

Have you ever wondered why, for all the efforts of the best economists in the world, the economic...

Have you ever wondered why, for all the efforts of the best economists in the world, the economic crisis refuses to wane? The answer to that question lies with us, all of us. The economy is a reflection of our relationships. Through natural development, the world has become an integrated global village where we are all interdependent.Interdependence and “globalization” mean that what happens in one part of the world affects every other part of it. As a result, a solution to the global crisis ...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Book of Psalms

There are three main ways one can look at the Book of Psalms. For many, it is a book of one hundr...

There are three main ways one can look at the Book of Psalms. For many, it is a book of one hundred fifty beautifully written poems. For some, it is the legacy of the most powerful king to ever rule. And for others, it is their connection to G-d. In this translation of the Book of Psalms, understanding the words won’t be your job, choosing which way to look at it will.

Regular Price: $11.99

The Book of Psalms (Download)

There are three main ways one can look at the Book of Psalms. For many, it is a book of one hundr...

There are three main ways one can look at the Book of Psalms. For many, it is a book of one hundred fifty beautifully written poems. For some, it is the legacy of the most powerful king to ever rule. And for others, it is their connection to G-d. In this translation of the Book of Psalms, understanding the words won’t be your job, choosing which way to look at it will.

Regular Price: $10.00

The Book of Psalms (E-Book)

There are three main ways one can look at the Book of Psalms. For many, it is a book of one hundr...

There are three main ways one can look at the Book of Psalms. For many, it is a book of one hundred fifty beautifully written poems. For some, it is the legacy of the most powerful king to ever rule. And for others, it is their connection to G-d. In this translation of the Book of Psalms, understanding the words won’t be your job, choosing which way to look at it will.

Regular Price: $9.99

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Kabbalah

You are no an idiot, of course. You know that Kabbalah is more than a celebrity fad or a red stri...

You are no an idiot, of course. You know that Kabbalah is more than a celebrity fad or a red string bracelet. Its philosophies encourage us to look beyond the tangible for purpose and enlightenment.You're no idiot, of course. You know that Kabbalah is more than a celebrity fad or a red string bracelet. Its philosophies encourage us to look beyond the tangible for purpose and enlightenment. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Kabbalah will show you exactly how to embrace these ancient teachings and ...

Regular Price: $24.95

The Complete Siddur (daily prayers in Hebrew and English)

Siddur for weekday, Shabbat, holidays, and festivals. This edition includes the Torah readings fo...

Siddur for weekday, Shabbat, holidays, and festivals. This edition includes the Torah readings for the Shalosh Regalim and Hol HaMoed, Hanukka, Purim, Yom Ha'atzmaut, Yom Yerushalayim and the Five Megillot.

Regular Price: $34.99

The Creator and the Creation

The Science of the Wisdom of Kabbalah; The wisdom of Kabbalah is a centuries old science that inv...

The Science of the Wisdom of Kabbalah; The wisdom of Kabbalah is a centuries old science that investigates the nature of our relationship with the force we refer to as, The Creator. Through this investigation Kabbalists of the past have passed down, to all of humanity, a method by which each of us can actually realize our role in the universe and how humanity can evolve above the suffering so prevalent in the world today.The inspirations contained in this book are derived from the works of au...

Regular Price: $14.95

The Creator and the Creation (E-book)

The Science of the Wisdom of Kabbalah; The wisdom of Kabbalah is a centuries old science that inv...

The Science of the Wisdom of Kabbalah; The wisdom of Kabbalah is a centuries old science that investigates the nature of our relationship with the force we refer to as, The Creator. Through this investigation Kabbalists of the past have passed down, to all of humanity, a method by which each of us can actually realize our role in the universe and how humanity can evolve above the suffering so prevalent in the world today.The inspirations contained in this book are derived from the works of au...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Creator and the Creation (PDF)

The Science of the Wisdom of Kabbalah; The wisdom of Kabbalah is a centuries old science that inv...

The Science of the Wisdom of Kabbalah; The wisdom of Kabbalah is a centuries old science that investigates the nature of our relationship with the force we refer to as, “The Creator”.The Science of the Wisdom of Kabbalah; The wisdom of Kabbalah is a centuries old science that investigates the nature of our relationship with the force we refer to as, The Creator. Through this investigation Kabbalists of the past have passed down, to all of humanity, a method by which each of us can actually re...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Egotist

The Egotist tracks its author, Jesse Bogner’s, development from a hedonistic New Yorker to a Kabb...

The Egotist tracks its author, Jesse Bogner’s, development from a hedonistic New Yorker to a Kabbalist, on a path to find the meaning of life.This book offers a glimpse into the misunderstood world of Kabbalah and how the collective plea of Kabbalists has the power to correct the egos of individuals and the world at large.Never before has a Kabbalah student, in such excruciating detail, illuminated the nature of his own spiritual development.

Regular Price: $15.95

The Egotist (Download)

The Egotist tracks its author, Jesse Bogner’s, development from a hedonistic New Yorker to a Kabb...

The Egotist tracks its author, Jesse Bogner’s, development from a hedonistic New Yorker to a Kabbalist, on a path to find the meaning of life.This book offers a glimpse into the misunderstood world of Kabbalah and how the collective plea of Kabbalists has the power to correct the egos of individuals and the world at large. Never before has a Kabbalah student, in such excruciating detail, illuminated the nature of his own spiritual development.

Regular Price: $10.00

The Egotist (E-Book)

Have you ever asked yourself the famous question, “What is the meaning of my life?” Maybe you sen...

Have you ever asked yourself the famous question, “What is the meaning of my life?” Maybe you sensed the world as it appears in your senses is lacking something. A spiritual world that is blind to most people awaits you. In it you will find your true self. The Egotist’s author, Jesse Bogner, felt the same need to search for something beyond what he could see with his own eyes. His earth-shattering debut tracks his development from a hedonistic New Yorker whose only solace from suffering comes...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Hidden Land of Israel - A Spiritual Journey in Time

What is the spell of the land of Israel? What makes this semi-arid piece of land a focal point fo...

What is the spell of the land of Israel? What makes this semi-arid piece of land a focal point for millions of tourists from every corner of the world? What has made Israel a point of contention for thousands of years?The land of Israel holds within it spiritual forces, the forces that create all of life. Israel’s unique geography reflects these forces, causing the landscape in this tiny country to change every few dozen miles.The Hidden Land of Israel: A Spiritual Journey in Time takes us th...

Regular Price: $20.00

The Hidden Land of Israel - A Spiritual Journey in Time (eBook1)

What is the spell of the land of Israel? What makes this semi-arid piece of land a focal point fo...

What is the spell of the land of Israel? What makes this semi-arid piece of land a focal point for millions of tourists from every corner of the world? What has made Israel a point of contention for thousands of years?The land of Israel holds within it spiritual forces, the forces that create all of life. Israel’s unique geography reflects these forces, causing the landscape in this tiny country to change every few dozen miles.The Hidden Land of Israel: A Spiritual Journey in Time takes us th...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Jewish Choice

The Jewish Choice: Unity or Anti-Semitism is like no other book you have ever read about Jews, ab...

The Jewish Choice: Unity or Anti-Semitism is like no other book you have ever read about Jews, about history, or about anti-Semitism. As its title suggests, it draws a direct link between Jewish unity and a rise in anti-Semitism, including the current wave. Assuming such a correlation is so extraordinary, you could easily brush it off as a provocation were it not documented in hundreds of books, essays, and letters throughout history. Beginning in ancient Babylon and ending in America, Babylo...

Regular Price: $18.95

The Jewish Choice (Download)

The Jewish Choice: Unity or Anti-Semitism is like no other book you have ever read about Jews, ab...

The Jewish Choice: Unity or Anti-Semitism is like no other book you have ever read about Jews, about history, or about anti-Semitism. As its title suggests, it draws a direct link between Jewish unity and a rise in anti-Semitism, including the current wave. Assuming such a correlation is so extraordinary, you could easily brush it off as a provocation were it not documented in hundreds of books, essays, and letters throughout history. Beginning in ancient Babylon and ending in America, Babylo...

Regular Price: $10.00

The Jewish Choice: Unity or Anti-Semitism

The Jewish Choice: Unity or Anti-Semitism is like no other book you have ever read about Jews, ab...

The Jewish Choice: Unity or Anti-Semitism is like no other book you have ever read about Jews, about history, or about anti-Semitism. As its title suggests, it draws a direct link between Jewish unity and a rise in anti-Semitism, including the current wave. Assuming such a correlation is so extraordinary, you could easily brush it off as a provocation were it not documented in hundreds of books, essays, and letters throughout history. Beginning in ancient Babylon and ending in America, Babylo...

Regular Price: $24.95

The Jewish Choice: Unity or Anti-Semitism (E-Book)

The Jewish Choice: Unity or Anti-Semitism is like no other book you have ever read about Jews, ab...

The Jewish Choice: Unity or Anti-Semitism is like no other book you have ever read about Jews, about history, or about anti-Semitism. As its title suggests, it draws a direct link between Jewish unity and a rise in anti-Semitism, including the current wave. Assuming such a correlation is so extraordinary, you could easily brush it off as a provocation were it not documented in hundreds of books, essays, and letters throughout history.Beginning in ancient Babylon and ending in America, Babylon...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Kabbalah Experience

Never has the language of Kabbalah been as clear and accessible as it is here, in this compelling...

Never has the language of Kabbalah been as clear and accessible as it is here, in this compelling, informative collection.The depth of wisdom revealed in the questions and answers of this book will inspire reflection and contemplation. Readers will also begin to experience a growing sense of enlightenment while simply absorbing the words on every page. The Kabbalah Experience is a guide from the past to the future, revealing situations that all students of Kabbalah will experience at some poi...

Regular Price: $24.95

The Kabbalah Experience (E-book)

Never has the language of Kabbalah been as clear and accessible as it is here, in this compelling...

Never has the language of Kabbalah been as clear and accessible as it is here, in this compelling, informative collection.The depth of wisdom revealed in the questions and answers of this book will inspire reflection and contemplation. Readers will also begin to experience a growing sense of enlightenment while simply absorbing the words on every page. The Kabbalah Experience is a guide from the past to the future, revealing situations that all students of Kabbalah will experience at some poi...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Kabbalah Experience (eBook)

This package contains:From Chaos to Harmony: The Solution to the Global Crisis According to the W...

This package contains:From Chaos to Harmony: The Solution to the Global Crisis According to the Wisdom of Kabbalah reveals the factors contributing to the perilous state in which we find our world today. The book contains two parts. First, an analysis of the human soul and how the soul's own structure is its bane. The book also maps out what we need to do to once again be happy, and what we should avoid because it would worsen our suffering.Awakening to Kabbalah: The Guiding Light of Spiritua...

Regular Price: $19.95

The Kabbalah Experience (Kindle)

The Kabbalah Experience (Kindle)This package contains: From Chaos to Harmony: The Solution to the...

The Kabbalah Experience (Kindle)This package contains: From Chaos to Harmony: The Solution to the Global Crisis According to the Wisdom of Kabbalah reveals the factors contributing to the perilous state in which we find our world today. The book contains two parts. First, an analysis of the human soul and how the soul's own structure is its bane. The book also maps out what we need to do to once again be happy, and what we should avoid because it would worsen our suffering.Awakening to Kabbal...

Regular Price: $19.95

The Kabbalah Experience (PDF) by Rav Michael Laitman PhD

As one of the most fascinating books ever published about authentic Kabbalah, this book presents ...

As one of the most fascinating books ever published about authentic Kabbalah, this book presents a journey through time from the past to the future, through situations which each of us will experience sooner or later. "חוויה ושמה קבלה" הוא אחד מהספרים המרתקים ביותר שיצאו לאור עד היום בנושא הקבלה. זהו מסע בזמן, מהעבר אל העתיד, במצבים שאותם עשוי לחוות כל אחד מאתנו במוקדם או במאוחר. למי שרוצה ללמוד איך לנצל כל רגע ביעילות מרבית, למי שמבקש לשפר את חייו ושואף להגיע לחיים טובים ומאושרים. מאז ימי רב...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Kabbalah Experience (Print)

This package contains:From Chaos to Harmony: The Solution to the Global Crisis According to the W...

This package contains:From Chaos to Harmony: The Solution to the Global Crisis According to the Wisdom of Kabbalah reveals the factors contributing to the perilous state in which we find our world today. The book contains two parts. First, an analysis of the human soul and how the soul's own structure is its bane. The book also maps out what we need to do to once again be happy, and what we should avoid because it would worsen our suffering.Awakening to Kabbalah: The Guiding Light of Spiritua...

Regular Price: $32.95

The Kabbalist

At the dawn of the deadliest era in human history, the 20th century, a mysterious man appeared ...

At the dawn of the deadliest era in human history, the 20th century, a mysterious man appeared on the socio-political scene carrying a stern warning for humanity and an unlikely solution to its suffering. In his writings, Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag described in clarity and great detail the wars and upheavals he foresaw, and even more strikingly, the current economic, political, and social crises we are facing today. His deep yearning for a united humanity has driven him to unlock The Book of Z...

Regular Price: $22.95

The Kabbalist (E-book)

At the dawn of the deadliest era in human history, the 20th century, a mysterious man appeared on...

At the dawn of the deadliest era in human history, the 20th century, a mysterious man appeared on the socio-political scene carrying a stern warning for humanity and an unlikely solution to its suffering. In his writings, Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag described in clarity and great detail the wars and upheavals he foresaw, and even more strikingly, the current economic, political, and social crises we are facing today. His deep yearning for a united humanity has driven him to unlock The Book of Zoh...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Last Generation by Rav Michael Laitman PhD (הדור האחרון) (PDF)

At a time when a series of crises are befalling the "global village" we live in, there is an incr...

At a time when a series of crises are befalling the "global village" we live in, there is an increasing need to find the right formula for establishing a happy society. The lack of such a formula is the source of all the crises affecting individuals, families, nations and humanity at large. In light of this state, Baal HaSulam's social teachings become imperative. Step by step the author leads us through an introduction to Baal HaSulam's principal works, revealing for the first time the writi...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Meaning of Life Contemplation Kit (eBook)

More inspirational than structured study, this package will provide daily inspiration. Open to a...

More inspirational than structured study, this package will provide daily inspiration. Open to any page in any of these four books to feel your day imbued with new meaning and purpose. Attaining the Worlds Beyond The Point in the Heart A Glimpse of Light Wise Heart

Regular Price: $35.98

The Meaning of Life Contemplation Kit (Print)

More inspirational than structured study, this package will provide daily inspiration. Open to an...

More inspirational than structured study, this package will provide daily inspiration. Open to any page in any of these four books to feel your day imbued with new meaning and purpose.

Regular Price: $65.00
Sale Price: $49.95

The Melodies of Baal HaSulam

Guitar notes & tabs "The nigun (melody) is the medium between the spiritual and the corporeal".

Guitar notes & tabs "The nigun (melody) is the medium between the spiritual and the corporeal".

Regular Price: $14.95

The Open Book by Rav Michael Laitman PhD (הספר הפתוח) (PDF)

The Open Book presents the principles of the ancient scientific wisdom of authentic Kabbalah, alo...

The Open Book presents the principles of the ancient scientific wisdom of authentic Kabbalah, along with explanations of its basic rules. "הספר הפתוח" הוא ספר על חוכמת הקבלה, שמציג את עקרונותיה של חוכמה מדעית עתיקה ובדוקה ומסביר את החוקים שעליהם היא נשענת. הקבלה היא חוכמת חיים שבאמצעותה תוכל לפרוץ את מגבלת החושים המוכרים לך ולרכוש חוש נוסף, חוש שיפתח בפניך את השער המוביל לעולם הרוחני, כאן ועכשיו בעודך בעולם הזה. הסבריו הבהירים של הרב לייטמן על המתרחש מאחורי הקלעים של נפש האדם והעולמות העליוני...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Path of Kabbalah

"Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image, nor any manner of likeness" (Exodus 20:3). This co...

"Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image, nor any manner of likeness" (Exodus 20:3). This commandment from the Bible is the basis of the Kabbalistic wisdom, for Kabbalists know that the only true reality is that of His Essence, the Upper Force. When we accept this concept, we can become truly open to the prospect of freedom for every person, for every nation, and for the entire world. While the structure of reality and how we perceive it are at the surface of this book, it is the underly...

Regular Price: $21.95

The Path of Kabbalah (eBook)

"Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image, nor any manner of likeness" (Exodus 20:3). This co...

"Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image, nor any manner of likeness" (Exodus 20:3). This commandment from the Bible is the basis of the Kabbalistic wisdom, for Kabbalists know that the only true reality is that of His Essence, the Upper Force. When we accept this concept, we can become truly open to the prospect of freedom for every person, for every nation, and for the entire world. While the structure of reality and how we perceive it are at the surface of this book, it is the underly...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Path of Kabbalah: Revealing the Hidden Wisdom. Rav Michael Laitman PhD (ePub)

"Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image, nor any manner of likeness" (Exodus 20:3). This co...

"Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image, nor any manner of likeness" (Exodus 20:3). This commandment from the Bible is the basis of the Kabbalistic wisdom"Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image, nor any manner of likeness" (Exodus 20:3). This commandment from the Bible is the basis of the Kabbalistic wisdom, for Kabbalists know that the only true reality is that of His Essence, the Upper Force. When we accept this concept, we can become truly open to the prospect of freedom for ev...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Path of Kabbalah: Revealing the Hidden Wisdom. Rav Michael Laitman PhD (Kindle)

"Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image, nor any manner of likeness" (Exodus 20:3). This co...

"Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image, nor any manner of likeness" (Exodus 20:3). This commandment from the Bible is the basis of the Kabbalistic wisdom"Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image, nor any manner of likeness" (Exodus 20:3). This commandment from the Bible is the basis of the Kabbalistic wisdom, for Kabbalists know that the only true reality is that of His Essence, the Upper Force. When we accept this concept, we can become truly open to the prospect of freedom for ev...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Path of Kabbalah: Revealing the Hidden Wisdom. Rav Michael Laitman PhD (PDF)

"Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image, nor any manner of likeness" (Exodus 20:3). This co...

"Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image, nor any manner of likeness" (Exodus 20:3). This commandment from the Bible is the basis of the Kabbalistic wisdom"Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image, nor any manner of likeness" (Exodus 20:3). This commandment from the Bible is the basis of the Kabbalistic wisdom, for Kabbalists know that the only true reality is that of His Essence, the Upper Force. When we accept this concept, we can become truly open to the prospect of freedom for ev...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Point in the Heart

When life gets out of hand, when you need a moment to reflect, to "take five" and to be alone wit...

When life gets out of hand, when you need a moment to reflect, to "take five" and to be alone with your thoughts, this book will help you rediscover your inner compass. The Point in the Heart is a unique collection of excerpts from a man whose wisdom has earned him devoted students in North America and worldwide. Dr. Michael Laitman is a scientist, a Kabbalist, and a great thinker who presents an ancient wisdom in a compelling style. In these stormy days, his popular site, www.kabbalah.info, ...

Regular Price: $14.95

The Point in the Heart (eBook)

When life gets out of hand, when you need a moment to reflect, to "take five" and to be alone wit...

When life gets out of hand, when you need a moment to reflect, to "take five" and to be alone with your thoughts, this book will help you rediscover your inner compass. The Point in the Heart is a unique collection of excerpts from a man whose wisdom has earned him devoted students in North America and worldwide.Dr. Michael Laitman is a scientist, a Kabbalist, and a great thinker who presents an ancient wisdom in a compelling style. In these stormy days, his popular site, www.kabbalah.info, o...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Point in the Heart - A Source of Delight for My Soul (ePub)

When life gets out of hand, when you need a moment to reflect, to "take five" and to be alone wit...

When life gets out of hand, when you need a moment to reflect, to "take five" and to be alone with your thoughts, this book will help you rediscover your inner compass. The Point in the Heart is a unique collection of excerpts from a man whose wisdom has earned him devoted students in North America and worldwide. Dr. Michael Laitman is a scientist, a Kabbalist, and a great thinker who presents an ancient wisdom in a compelling style. In these stormy days, his popular site, www.kabbalah.info, ...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Point in the Heart - A Source of Delight for My Soul (Kindle)

When life gets out of hand, when you need a moment to reflect, to "take five" and to be alone wit...

When life gets out of hand, when you need a moment to reflect, to "take five" and to be alone with your thoughts, this book will help you rediscover your inner compass. The Point in the Heart is a unique collection of excerpts from a man whose wisdom has earned him devoted students in North America and worldwide. Dr. Michael Laitman is a scientist, a Kabbalist, and a great thinker who presents an ancient wisdom in a compelling style. In these stormy days, his popular site, www.kabbalah.info, ...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Point in the Heart - A Source of Delight for My Soul (PDF)

When life gets out of hand, when you need a moment to reflect, to "take five" and to be alone wit...

When life gets out of hand, when you need a moment to reflect, to "take five" and to be alone with your thoughts, this book will help you rediscover your inner compass. The Point in the Heart is a unique collection of excerpts from a man whose wisdom has earned him devoted students in North America and worldwide. Dr. Michael Laitman is a scientist, a Kabbalist, and a great thinker who presents an ancient wisdom in a compelling style. In these stormy days, his popular site, www.kabbalah.info, ...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Prayers of the Friends

Each day, we begin the daily Kabbalah lesson with a short prayer that was put together by one of ...

Each day, we begin the daily Kabbalah lesson with a short prayer that was put together by one of the hundreds of tens from around the world Kli, who study together in order to feel one common heart, and in it, reveal the singular upper force. Nothing is greater than a prayer that comes from the bottom of the common heart of the members of the ten. Such a prayer is very powerful and can awaken the hearts of the rest of the friends, join them into a common heart and reach the Creator. Such a pr...

Regular Price: $13.95

The Prayers of the Friends (E-Book)

Each day, we begin the daily Kabbalah lesson with a short prayer that was put together by one of ...

Each day, we begin the daily Kabbalah lesson with a short prayer that was put together by one of the hundreds of tens from around the world Kli, who study together in order to feel one common heart, and in it, reveal the singular upper force. Nothing is greater than a prayer that comes from the bottom of the common heart of the members of the ten. Such a prayer is very powerful and can awaken the hearts of the rest of the friends, join them into a common heart and reach the Creator. Such a pr...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Psychology of the Integral Society

The Psychology of the Integral Society presents a revolutionary approach to education. In an inte...

The Psychology of the Integral Society presents a revolutionary approach to education. In an interconnected and interdependent world, teaching children to compete with their peers is as “wise” as teaching one’s left hand to outsmart its peer, the right hand. An integral society is one in which all the parts contribute to the well-being and success of the society. The society, in turn, is responsible and cares for the well-being and success of its elements, thus forming co-dependence. In a glo...

Regular Price: $18.95

The Psychology of the Integral Society (E-book)

The Psychology of the Integral Society presents a revolutionary approach to education. In an inte...

The Psychology of the Integral Society presents a revolutionary approach to education. In an interconnected and interdependent world, teaching children to compete with their peers is as “wise” as teaching one’s left hand to outsmart its peer, the right hand. An integral society is one in which all the parts contribute to the well-being and success of the society. The society, in turn, is responsible and cares for the well-being and success of its elements, thus forming co-dependence. In a glo...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Psychology of the Integral Society (ePub)

The Psychology of the Integral Society (ePub)The Psychology of the Integral Society presents a re...

The Psychology of the Integral Society (ePub)The Psychology of the Integral Society presents a revolutionary approach to education. In an interconnected and interdependent world, teaching children to compete with their peers is as “wise” as teaching one’s left hand to outsmart its peer, the right hand. An integral society is one in which all the parts contribute to the well-being and success of the society. The society, in turn, is responsible and cares for the well-being and success of its e...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Psychology of the Integral Society (Mobi)

The Psychology of the Integral Society (Mobi)The Psychology of the Integral Society presents a re...

The Psychology of the Integral Society (Mobi)The Psychology of the Integral Society presents a revolutionary approach to education. In an interconnected and interdependent world, teaching children to compete with their peers is as “wise” as teaching one’s left hand to outsmart its peer, the right hand. An integral society is one in which all the parts contribute to the well-being and success of the society. The society, in turn, is responsible and cares for the well-being and success of its e...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Psychology of the Integral Society (PDF)

The Psychology of the Integral Society (PDF)The Psychology of the Integral Society presents a rev...

The Psychology of the Integral Society (PDF)The Psychology of the Integral Society presents a revolutionary approach to education. In an interconnected and interdependent world, teaching children to compete with their peers is as “wise” as teaching one’s left hand to outsmart its peer, the right hand. An integral society is one in which all the parts contribute to the well-being and success of the society. The society, in turn, is responsible and cares for the well-being and success of its el...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Real Role of the Jews - Antisemitism - Cause and Purpose (E-Book)

The Real Role of the Jews is today’s call of the hour sheds light on some of the Jews’ most daunt...

The Real Role of the Jews is today’s call of the hour sheds light on some of the Jews’ most daunting and mystifying questions: What is our role on this planet? Are we truly “the chosen people”?If we are, what were we chosen for? What is causing anti-Semitism, and can it be cured? Using numerous quotes and references from Jewish sages and historians of all times, the book offers a roadmap for achieving one of the Jews’ most sought-after, yet elusive goals: social cohesion and unity.Indeed, uni...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Real Role of the Jews - Antisemitism - Cause and Purpose

The Real Role of the Jews is today’s call of the hour sheds light on some of the Jews’ most daunt...

The Real Role of the Jews is today’s call of the hour sheds light on some of the Jews’ most daunting and mystifying questions: What is our role on this planet? Are we truly “the chosen people”?If we are, what were we chosen for? What is causing anti-Semitism, and can it be cured? Using numerous quotes and references from Jewish sages and historians of all times, the book offers a roadmap for achieving one of the Jews’ most sought-after, yet elusive goals: social cohesion and unity.Indeed, uni...

Regular Price: $7.00

The Revelation of The Book of Zohar in Our Time

The Revelation of The Book of Zohar in Our Time aims to help guide a person's approach toward st...

The Revelation of The Book of Zohar in Our Time aims to help guide a person's approach toward studying The Zohar in order to reap the most benefit from its reading. It is built of quotes by Dr. Michael Laitman from the Daily Zohar Lessons, and answers to questions of students, that aim to clarify: The revelation of The Zohar in our time The approach to studying The Zohar The effort during the study of The Zohar Confusion and disturbances while studying The Zohar The Zohar & bonding ...

Regular Price: $14.95

The Revelation of The Book of Zohar in Our Time (Download)

The Revelation of The Book of Zohar in Our Time aims to help guide a person's approach toward stu...

The Revelation of The Book of Zohar in Our Time aims to help guide a person's approach toward studying The Zohar in order to reap the most benefit from its reading. It is built of quotes by Dr. Michael Laitman from the Daily Zohar Lessons, and answers to questions of students, that aim to clarify: The revelation of The Zohar in our time The approach to studying The Zohar The effort during the study of The Zohar Confusion and disturbances while studying The Zohar The Zohar & bonding w...

Regular Price: $10.00

The Revelation of The Book of Zohar in Our Time (E-book)

The Revelation of The Book of Zohar in Our Time aims to help guide a person's approach toward stu...

The Revelation of The Book of Zohar in Our Time aims to help guide a person's approach toward studying The Zohar in order to reap the most benefit from its reading. It is built of quotes by Dr. Michael Laitman from the Daily Zohar Lessons, and answers to questions of students, that aim to clarify: The revelation of The Zohar in our time The approach to studying The Zohar The effort during the study of The Zohar Confusion and disturbances while studying The Zohar The Zohar & bonding ...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Revelation of The Book of Zohar in Our Time (ePub)

The Revelation of The Book of Zohar in Our Time (ePub)The Revelation of The Book of Zohar in Our ...

The Revelation of The Book of Zohar in Our Time (ePub)The Revelation of The Book of Zohar in Our Time aims to help guide a person's approach toward studying The Zohar in order to reap the most benefit from its reading. It is built of quotes by Dr. Michael Laitman from the Daily Zohar Lessons, and answers to questions of students, that aim to clarify: The revelation of The Zohar in our time The approach to studying The Zohar The effort during the study of The Zohar Confusion and disturbanc...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Revelation of The Book of Zohar in Our Time (Mobi)

The Revelation of The Book of Zohar in Our Time (Mobi)The Revelation of The Book of Zohar in Our ...

The Revelation of The Book of Zohar in Our Time (Mobi)The Revelation of The Book of Zohar in Our Time aims to help guide a person's approach toward studying The Zohar in order to reap the most benefit from its reading. It is built of quotes by Dr. Michael Laitman from the Daily Zohar Lessons, and answers to questions of students, that aim to clarify: The revelation of The Zohar in our time The approach to studying The Zohar The effort during the study of The Zohar Confusion and disturbanc...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Revelation of The Book of Zohar in Our Time (PDF)

The Revelation of The Book of Zohar in Our Time (PDF)The Revelation of The Book of Zohar in Our T...

The Revelation of The Book of Zohar in Our Time (PDF)The Revelation of The Book of Zohar in Our Time aims to help guide a person's approach toward studying The Zohar in order to reap the most benefit from its reading. It is built of quotes by Dr. Michael Laitman from the Daily Zohar Lessons, and answers to questions of students, that aim to clarify: The revelation of The Zohar in our time The approach to studying The Zohar The effort during the study of The Zohar Confusion and disturbance...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Science Of Human Emergence (eBook)

Scientists agree that the laws of nature govern the solar system and Earth’s ecosystems, but wha...

Scientists agree that the laws of nature govern the solar system and Earth’s ecosystems, but what about human society? Are we above some of nature’s laws or are there laws as precise as those of physics working on us without our awareness? And if we are under the governance of such laws, how can we identify and begin working with them? From Chaos to Harmony A Guide to the New World Self-Interest vs. Altruism in the Global Era Kabbalah, Science, and the Meaning of Life

Regular Price: $35.98

The Science of Human Emergence (Print)

Scientists agree that the laws of nature govern the solar system and Earth’s ecosystems, but what...

Scientists agree that the laws of nature govern the solar system and Earth’s ecosystems, but what about human society? Are we above some of nature’s laws or are there laws as precise as those of physics working on us without our awareness? And if we are under the governance of such laws, how can we identify and begin working with them?

Regular Price: $65.00
Sale Price: $49.95

The Science of Kabbalah (Pticha)

The Science of Kabbalah (Pticha) is the first in a series of texts that Rav Michael Laitman, Kabb...

The Science of Kabbalah (Pticha) is the first in a series of texts that Rav Michael Laitman, Kabbalist and scientist, designed to introduce readers to the special language and terminology of the Kabbalah. Here, Rav Laitman reveals authentic Kabbalah in a manner that is both rational and mature. Readers are gradually led to an understanding of the logical design of the Universe and the life whose home it is. The Science of Kabbalah, a revolutionary work that is unmatched in its clarity, depth,...

Regular Price: $24.95

The Science of Kabbalah (Pticha) (eBook)

The Science of Kabbalah (Pticha) is the first in a series of texts that Rav Michael Laitman, Kabb...

The Science of Kabbalah (Pticha) is the first in a series of texts that Rav Michael Laitman, Kabbalist and scientist, designed to introduce readers to the special language and terminology of the Kabbalah. Here, Rav Laitman reveals authentic Kabbalah in a manner that is both rational and mature.Readers are gradually led to an understanding of the logical design of the Universe and the life whose home it is. The Science of Kabbalah, a revolutionary work that is unmatched in its clarity, depth, ...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Science of Kabbalah (Pticha). Rav Yehuda Ashlag (Baal HaSulam) Commentary by Rav Michael Lait...

The Science of Kabbalah (Pticha) is the first in a series of texts that Rav Michael Laitman, Kabb...

The Science of Kabbalah (Pticha) is the first in a series of texts that Rav Michael Laitman, Kabbalist and scientist, designed to introduce readers to the special language and terminology of the Kabbalah.The Science of Kabbalah (Pticha) is the first in a series of texts that Rav Michael Laitman, Kabbalist and scientist, designed to introduce readers to the special language and terminology of the Kabbalah. Here, Rav Laitman reveals authentic Kabbalah in a manner that is both rational and matur...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Science of Kabbalah (Pticha). Rav Yehuda Ashlag (Baal HaSulam) Commentary by Rav Michael Lait...

The Science of Kabbalah (Pticha) is the first in a series of texts that Rav Michael Laitman, Kabb...

The Science of Kabbalah (Pticha) is the first in a series of texts that Rav Michael Laitman, Kabbalist and scientist, designed to introduce readers to the special language and terminology of the Kabbalah. (mobi)The Science of Kabbalah (Pticha) is the first in a series of texts that Rav Michael Laitman, Kabbalist and scientist, designed to introduce readers to the special language and terminology of the Kabbalah. Here, Rav Laitman reveals authentic Kabbalah in a manner that is both rational an...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Science of Kabbalah (Pticha). Rav Yehuda Ashlag (Baal HaSulam) Commentary by Rav Michael Lait...

The Science of Kabbalah (Pticha) is the first in a series of texts that Rav Michael Laitman, Kabb...

The Science of Kabbalah (Pticha) is the first in a series of texts that Rav Michael Laitman, Kabbalist and scientist, designed to introduce readers to the special language and terminology of the Kabbalah. (PDF)The Science of Kabbalah (Pticha) is the first in a series of texts that Rav Michael Laitman, Kabbalist and scientist, designed to introduce readers to the special language and terminology of the Kabbalah. Here, Rav Laitman reveals authentic Kabbalah in a manner that is both rational and...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Secrets of the Eternal Book

The Secrets of the Eternal Book decodes some of the Bible’s most enigmatic, yet oft-cited epochs....

The Secrets of the Eternal Book decodes some of the Bible’s most enigmatic, yet oft-cited epochs. The author’s lively and easygoing style makes for a smooth entrance into the depths of perception, where one changes one’s world simply by contemplation and desire. While reading, you will gently rise beyond the level of physical events as they are described in the Bible, and you will find Pharaoh, Moses, Adam and Eve that lie within you.

Regular Price: $15.95

The Secrets of the Eternal Book (Download)

The Secrets of the Eternal Book decodes some of the Bible’s most enigmatic, yet oft-cited epochs....

The Secrets of the Eternal Book decodes some of the Bible’s most enigmatic, yet oft-cited epochs. The author’s lively and easygoing style makes for a smooth entrance into the depths of perception, where one changes one’s world simply by contemplation and desire. While reading, you will gently rise beyond the level of physical events as they are described in the Bible, and you will find Pharaoh, Moses, Adam and Eve that lie within you.

Regular Price: $10.00

The Secrets of the Eternal Book (E-Book)

Secrets of the Eternal Book decodes some of the Bible’s most enigmatic, yet oft-cited epochs. The...

Secrets of the Eternal Book decodes some of the Bible’s most enigmatic, yet oft-cited epochs. The author’s lively and easygoing style makes for a smooth entrance into the depths of perception, where one changes one’s world simply by contemplation and desire. While reading, you will gently rise beyond the level of physical events as they aredescribed in the Bible, and you will find Pharaoh, Moses, Adam and Eve that liewithin you.

Regular Price: $9.99

The Secrets of the Eternal Book (ePub)

The Secrets of the Eternal Book: the meaning of the stories of the Pentateuch (ePub)TheSecrets of...

The Secrets of the Eternal Book: the meaning of the stories of the Pentateuch (ePub)TheSecrets of the Eternal Book decodessome of the Bible’s most enigmatic, yet oft-cited epochs. The author’s livelyand easygoing style makes for a smooth entrance into the depths of perception,where one changes one’s world simply by contemplation and desire. Whilereading, you will gently rise beyond the level of physical events as they aredescribed in the Bible, and you will find Pharaoh, Moses, Adam and Eve t...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Secrets of the Eternal Book (Mobi)

The Secrets of the Eternal Book: the meaning of the stories of the Pentateuch (mobi)TheSecrets of...

The Secrets of the Eternal Book: the meaning of the stories of the Pentateuch (mobi)TheSecrets of the Eternal Book decodessome of the Bible’s most enigmatic, yet oft-cited epochs. The author’s livelyand easygoing style makes for a smooth entrance into the depths of perception,where one changes one’s world simply by contemplation and desire. Whilereading, you will gently rise beyond the level of physical events as they aredescribed in the Bible, and you will find Pharaoh, Moses, Adam and Eve t...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Spiritual Roots of the Holy Land

The Spiritual Roots of the Holy Land empowers the reader to plan a life changing journey through ...

The Spiritual Roots of the Holy Land empowers the reader to plan a life changing journey through the land of Israel. This unconventional guidebook will offer its readers a chance to actually follow the footsteps of Abraham and experience the Holy Land from a spiritual perspective. The reader whether a religious pilgrim, a spiritual seeker or an adventurer looking for something out of the ordinary will find this guidebook both fascinating as well as practical. By following the journey outline...

Regular Price: $19.95

The Spiritual Roots of the Holy Land (PDF)

The Spiritual Roots of the Holy Land (PDF)The Spiritual Roots of the Holy Land empowers the read...

The Spiritual Roots of the Holy Land (PDF)The Spiritual Roots of the Holy Land empowers the reader to plan a life changing journey through the land of Israel. This unconventional guidebook will offer its readers a chance to actually follow the footsteps of Abraham and experience the Holy Land from a spiritual perspective. The reader whether a religious pilgrim, a spiritual seeker or an adventurer looking for something out of the ordinary will find this guidebook both fascinating as well as p...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Spiritual Roots of the Holy Land (E-book)

The Spiritual Roots of the Holy Land empowers the reader to plan a life changing journey through ...

The Spiritual Roots of the Holy Land empowers the reader to plan a life changing journey through the land of Israel. This unconventional guidebook will offer its readers a chance to actually follow the footsteps of Abraham and experience the Holy Land from a spiritual perspective. The reader whether a religious pilgrim, a spiritual seeker or an adventurer looking for something out of the ordinary will find this guidebook both fascinating as well as practical. By following the journey outlined...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Spiritual Roots of the Holy Land (ePub)

The Spiritual Roots of the Holy LandThe Spiritual Roots of the Holy Land empowers the reader to p...

The Spiritual Roots of the Holy LandThe Spiritual Roots of the Holy Land empowers the reader to plan a life changing journey through the land of Israel. This unconventional guidebook will offer its readers a chance to actually follow the footsteps of Abraham and experience the Holy Land from a spiritual perspective. The reader whether a religious pilgrim, a spiritual seeker or an adventurer looking for something out of the ordinary will find this guidebook both fascinating as well as practica...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Spiritual Roots of the Holy Land (PDF)

The Spiritual Roots of the Holy Land takes you on a wondrous journey through the land of Israel. ...

The Spiritual Roots of the Holy Land takes you on a wondrous journey through the land of Israel. As you take in the breathtaking pictures of the holy land, another layer of the age-old country is revealed—its spiritual roots, the ebb and flow of forces that have shaped the curvy landscape that is sacred to billions of people around the world. At the end of the book, you’ll find roadmaps of Israel, to help you locate each place you visit, whether in mind or in body, and more details on the for...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Tower of Babel, the Last Story (PDF) by Rav Michael Laitman PhD (מגדל בבל, הקומה האחרונה)

The process that shapes the face of history began thousands of years ago and is culminating today...

The process that shapes the face of history began thousands of years ago and is culminating today. It has determined the events of our lives throughout the ages.The process that shapes the face of history began thousands of years ago and is culminating today. It has determined the events of our lives throughout the ages. In the beginning, ancient Babylon was the center of civilization. Then, the ego erupted, dividing people and separating them from one another. To compensate for the alienatio...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Two Great Lights by Rav Michael Laitman PhD (שני המאורות הגדולים) (PDF)

The wisdom of Kabbalah has become prevalent in our time since it is closely related to the end of...

The wisdom of Kabbalah has become prevalent in our time since it is closely related to the end of the age of Exile and the establishment of the State of Israel. The foundations of this endeavor were laid by the two great figures of our generation, the two great lights, Kabbalists Rav Avraham Itzhak HaCohen Kook (1865-1935) and Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag (Baal HaSulam, 1884-1954). Rav Kook and Baal HaSulam both chose to phrase their ideas in current terms. The two share similar ideas and si...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Wisdom of Kabbalah in Our Times-1 by Rav Michael Laitman PhD (חוכמת הקבלה בזמננו 1) (PDF)

The Wisdom of Kabbalah in Our Times includes a collection of selected lessons, talks, and lecture...

The Wisdom of Kabbalah in Our Times includes a collection of selected lessons, talks, and lectures about Baal HaSulam's letters given by Rav Michael Laitman, Ph.D. at the Bnei Baruch Education center.The Wisdom of Kabbalah in Our Times includes a collection of selected lessons, talks, and lectures about Baal HaSulam's letters given by Rav Michael Laitman, Ph.D. at the Bnei Baruch Education center. The collection offers practical advice for everyday problems according to the wisdom of Kabbalah...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Wisdom of Kabbalah in Our Times-2 by Rav Michael Laitman PhD (חוכמת הקבלה בזמננו 2) (PDF)

The Wisdom of Kabbalah in Our Times includes a collection of selected lessons, talks, and lecture...

The Wisdom of Kabbalah in Our Times includes a collection of selected lessons, talks, and lectures about Baal HaSulam's letters given by Rav Michael Laitman, Ph.D. at the Bnei Baruch Education center.The Wisdom of Kabbalah in Our Times includes a collection of selected lessons, talks, and lectures about Baal HaSulam's letters given by Rav Michael Laitman, Ph.D. at the Bnei Baruch Education center. The collection offers practical advice for everyday problems according to the wisdom of Kabbalah...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Wisdom of Kabbalah in Our Times-3 by Rav Michael Laitman PhD (חוכמת הקבלה בזמננו 3) (PDF)

The Wisdom of Kabbalah in Our Times includes a collection of selected lessons, talks, and lecture...

The Wisdom of Kabbalah in Our Times includes a collection of selected lessons, talks, and lectures about Baal HaSulam's letters given by Rav Michael Laitman, Ph.D. at the Bnei Baruch Education center.The Wisdom of Kabbalah in Our Times includes a collection of selected lessons, talks, and lectures about Baal HaSulam's letters given by Rav Michael Laitman, Ph.D. at the Bnei Baruch Education center. The collection offers practical advice for everyday problems according to the wisdom of Kabbalah...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Wisdom of Kabbalah in Our Times-4 by Rav Michael Laitman PhD (חוכמת הקבלה בזמננו 4) (PDF)

The Wisdom of Kabbalah in Our Times includes a collection of selected lessons, talks, and lecture...

The Wisdom of Kabbalah in Our Times includes a collection of selected lessons, talks, and lectures about Baal HaSulam's letters given by Rav Michael Laitman, Ph.D. at the Bnei Baruch Education center.The Wisdom of Kabbalah in Our Times includes a collection of selected lessons, talks, and lectures about Baal HaSulam's letters given by Rav Michael Laitman, Ph.D. at the Bnei Baruch Education center. The collection offers practical advice for everyday problems according to the wisdom of Kabbalah...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Wisdom of Kabbalah in Our Times-5 by Rav Michael Laitman PhD (5 חוכמת הקבלה בזמננו) (PDF)

The Wisdom of Kabbalah in Our Times includes a collection of selected lessons, talks, and lecture...

The Wisdom of Kabbalah in Our Times includes a collection of selected lessons, talks, and lectures about Baal HaSulam's letters given by Rav Michael Laitman, Ph.D. at the Bnei Baruch Education center.The Wisdom of Kabbalah in Our Times includes a collection of selected lessons, talks, and lectures about Baal HaSulam's letters given by Rav Michael Laitman, Ph.D. at the Bnei Baruch Education center. The collection offers practical advice for everyday problems according to the wisdom of Kabbalah...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Wisdom of the Heart a collection of stories by Rav Yehuda Ashlag (Baal HaSulam)(PDF)

Words and letters that touch that hidden element, called "The Spiritual World."Words and letters ...

Words and letters that touch that hidden element, called "The Spiritual World."Words and letters that touch that hidden element, called "The Spiritual World."

Regular Price: $9.99

The Wise Heart

“Our inner work is to tune our hearts and our senses to perceive the spiritual world,” says Micha...

“Our inner work is to tune our hearts and our senses to perceive the spiritual world,” says Michael Laitman in the poem, “Spiritual Wave.” The Wise Heart is a lovingly crafted anthology comprised of Kabbalistic tales and allegories passed through Dr. Michael Laitman and his mentors Rav Baruch Ashlag (Rabash) and Rabash’s father Rav Yehuda Ashlag (author of the acclaimed Sulam, a commentary on The Book of Zohar).The desire of a Kabbalah student is to reach higher levels of spiritual attainment...

Regular Price: $19.95

The Wise Heart (eBook)

“Our inner work is to tune our hearts and our senses to perceive the spiritual world,” says Micha...

“Our inner work is to tune our hearts and our senses to perceive the spiritual world,” says Michael Laitman in the poem, “Spiritual Wave.” The Wise Heart is a lovingly crafted anthology comprised of Kabbalistic tales and allegories passed through Dr. Michael Laitman and his mentors Rav Baruch Ashlag (Rabash) and Rabash’s father Rav Yehuda Ashlag (author of the acclaimed Sulam, a commentary on The Book of Zohar).The desire of a Kabbalah student is to reach higher levels of spiritual attainment...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Wise Heart; Tales and allegories of three contemporary sages (ePub)

“Our inner work is to tune our hearts and our senses to perceive the spiritual world,” says Micha...

“Our inner work is to tune our hearts and our senses to perceive the spiritual world,” says Michael Laitman in the poem, “Spiritual Wave.” The Wise Heart is a lovingly crafted anthology comprised of Kabbalistic tales and allegories passed through Dr. Michael Laitman and his mentors Rav Baruch Ashlag (Rabash) and Rabash’s father Rav Yehuda Ashlag (author of the acclaimed Sulam, a commentary on The Book of Zohar).The desire of a Kabbalah student is to reach higher levels of spiritual attainment...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Wise Heart; Tales and allegories of three contemporary sages (Kindle)

“Our inner work is to tune our hearts and our senses to perceive the spiritual world,” says Micha...

“Our inner work is to tune our hearts and our senses to perceive the spiritual world,” says Michael Laitman in the poem, “Spiritual Wave.” The Wise Heart is a lovingly crafted anthology comprised of Kabbalistic tales and allegories passed through Dr. Michael Laitman and his mentors Rav Baruch Ashlag (Rabash) and Rabash’s father Rav Yehuda Ashlag (author of the acclaimed Sulam, a commentary on The Book of Zohar).The desire of a Kabbalah student is to reach higher levels of spiritual attainment...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Wise Heart; Tales and allegories of three contemporary sages (PDF)

“Our inner work is to tune our hearts and our senses to perceive the spiritual world,” says Micha...

“Our inner work is to tune our hearts and our senses to perceive the spiritual world,” says Michael Laitman in the poem, “Spiritual Wave.” The Wise Heart is a lovingly crafted anthology comprised of Kabbalistic tales and allegories passed through Dr. Michael Laitman and his mentors Rav Baruch Ashlag (Rabash) and Rabash’s father Rav Yehuda Ashlag (author of the acclaimed Sulam, a commentary on The Book of Zohar).The desire of a Kabbalah student is to reach higher levels of spiritual attainment...

Regular Price: $9.99

The World, The Jews & The Science Of Human Survival (eBook)

This package is the key to understanding the relationship between Jews and the wisdom of Kabbala...

This package is the key to understanding the relationship between Jews and the wisdom of Kabbalah, the reason for antisemitism, and the true meaning of being a “chosen people” The Jewish Choice A Very Narrow Bridge Like a Bundle of Reeds Self-Interest vs. Altruism in the Global Era

Regular Price: $35.98

The World, the Jews & the Science of Human Survival (Print)

This package is the key to understanding the relationship between Jews and the wisdom of Kabbalah...

This package is the key to understanding the relationship between Jews and the wisdom of Kabbalah, the reason for antisemitism, and the true meaning of being a “chosen people”

Regular Price: $60.00
Sale Price: $49.95

The Writings of Baal HaSulam - 2 volumes

For the first time, we are seeing the publication of the essential writings of the greatest Kabba...

For the first time, we are seeing the publication of the essential writings of the greatest Kabbalist of the 20th century, Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag (1885-1954), also known as Baal HaSulam [author of the Sulam (Ladder commentary on The Zohar)].The Writings of Baal HaSulam contains all the texts required for any person interested in learning the wisdom of Kabbalah. The book contains all of Baal HaSulam’s introductions and forewords, all his essays, letters, the articles contained in the bo...

$39.95 $64.95 (2 variants)

The Writings of Baal HaSulam - 2 volumes (eBook)

For the first time, we are seeing the publication of the essential writings of the greatest Kabb...

For the first time, we are seeing the publication of the essential writings of the greatest Kabbalist of the 20th century, Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag (1885-1954), also known as Baal HaSulam [author of the Sulam (Ladder commentary on The Zohar)].The Writings of Baal HaSulam contains all the texts required for any person interested in learning the wisdom of Kabbalah. The book contains all of Baal HaSulam’s introductions and forewords, all his essays, letters, the articles contained in the b...

Regular Price: $19.98

The Writings of Baal HaSulam – Volume One

For the first time, we are seeing the publication of the essential writings of the greatest Kabba...

For the first time, we are seeing the publication of the essential writings of the greatest Kabbalist of the 20 th century, Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag (1885-1954), also known as Baal HaSulam [author of the Sulam (Ladder commentary on The Zohar)].The Writings of Baal HaSulam contains all the texts required for any person interested in learning the wisdom of Kabbalah. The book contains all of Baal HaSulam’s introductions and forewords, all his essays, letters, the articles contained in the b...

$24.95 $34.95 (2 variants)

The Writings of Baal HaSulam – Volume One (E-Book)

For the first time, we are seeing the publication of the essential writings of the greatest Kabba...

For the first time, we are seeing the publication of the essential writings of the greatest Kabbalist of the 20 th century, Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag (1885-1954), also known as Baal HaSulam [author of the Sulam (Ladder commentary on The Zohar)].The Writings of Baal HaSulam contains all the texts required for any person interested in learning the wisdom of Kabbalah. The book contains all of Baal HaSulam’s introductions and forewords, all his essays, letters, the articles contained in the b...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Writings of Baal HaSulam – Volume Two

For the first time, we are seeing the publication of the essential writings of the greatest Kabba...

For the first time, we are seeing the publication of the essential writings of the greatest Kabbalist of the 20 th century, Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag (1885-1954), also known as Baal HaSulam [author of the Sulam (Ladder commentary on The Zohar)].The Writings of Baal HaSulam contains all the texts required for any person interested in learning the wisdom of Kabbalah. The book contains all of Baal HaSulam’s introductions and forewords, all his essays, letters, the articles contained in the b...

$24.95 $34.95 (2 variants)

The Writings of Baal HaSulam – Volume Two (E-Book)

For the first time, we are seeing the publication of the essential writings of the greatest Kabba...

For the first time, we are seeing the publication of the essential writings of the greatest Kabbalist of the 20 th century, Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag (1885-1954), also known as Baal HaSulam [author of the Sulam (Ladder commentary on The Zohar)].The Writings of Baal HaSulam contains all the texts required for any person interested in learning the wisdom of Kabbalah. The book contains all of Baal HaSulam’s introductions and forewords, all his essays, letters, the articles contained in the b...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Writings of Rabash - 8 volumes

The writings of Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (RABASH), the firstborn son and successor of Rav ...

The writings of Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (RABASH), the firstborn son and successor of Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), author of the Sulam (Ladder) commentary on The Book of Zohar, provide us with insights that connect the wisdom of Kabbalah to our human experience.These books disclose the profound knowledge of human nature that the RABASH possessed, and take us on a journey to our own souls. As we absorb the texts, we find that Kabbalah is not some cryptic occultism, but ...

$180.00 $295.00 (2 variants)

The Writings of Rabash - 8 volumes (eBook)

The writings of Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (RABASH), the firstborn son and successor of Ra...

The writings of Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (RABASH), the firstborn son and successor of Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), author of the Sulam (Ladder) commentary on The Book of Zohar, provide us with insights that connect the wisdom of Kabbalah to our human experience.These books disclose the profound knowledge of human nature that the RABASH possessed, and take us on a journey to our own souls. As we absorb the texts, we find that Kabbalah is not some cryptic occultism, bu...

Regular Price: $70.00

The Writings of RABASH - Assorted Notes - Volume Seven

The writings of Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (RABASH), the firstborn son and successor of Rav ...

The writings of Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (RABASH), the firstborn son and successor of Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), author of the Sulam (Ladder) commentary on The Book of Zohar, provide us with insights that connect the wisdom of Kabbalah to our human experience.These books disclose the profound knowledge of human nature that the RABASH possessed, and take us on a journey to our own souls. As we absorb the texts, we find that Kabbalah is not some cryptic occultism, but ...

$20.00 $28.95 (2 variants)

The Writings of RABASH - Assorted Notes - Volume Seven (E-Book)

The writings of Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (RABASH), the firstborn son and successor of Rav ...

The writings of Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (RABASH), the firstborn son and successor of Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), author of the Sulam (Ladder) commentary on The Book of Zohar, provide us with insights that connect the wisdom of Kabbalah to our human experience.These books disclose the profound knowledge of human nature that the RABASH possessed, and take us on a journey to our own souls. As we absorb the texts, we find that Kabbalah is not some cryptic occultism, but ...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Writings of RABASH - Assorted Notes - Volume Six

The writings of Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (RABASH), the firstborn son and successor of Rav ...

The writings of Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (RABASH), the firstborn son and successor of Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), author of the Sulam (Ladder) commentary on The Book of Zohar, provide us with insights that connect the wisdom of Kabbalah to our human experience.These books disclose the profound knowledge of human nature that the RABASH possessed, and take us on a journey to our own souls. As we absorb the texts, we find that Kabbalah is not some cryptic occultism, but ...

$21.99 $29.99 (2 variants)

The Writings of RABASH - Assorted Notes - Volume Six (E-Book)

The writings of Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (RABASH), the firstborn son and successor of Rav ...

The writings of Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (RABASH), the firstborn son and successor of Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), author of the Sulam (Ladder) commentary on The Book of Zohar, provide us with insights that connect the wisdom of Kabbalah to our human experience.These books disclose the profound knowledge of human nature that the RABASH possessed, and take us on a journey to our own souls. As we absorb the texts, we find that Kabbalah is not some cryptic occultism, but ...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Writings of RABASH - Essays - Volume Five

The writings of Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (RABASH), the firstborn son and successor of Rav ...

The writings of Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (RABASH), the firstborn son and successor of Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), author of the Sulam (Ladder) commentary on The Book of Zohar, provide us with insights that connect the wisdom of Kabbalah to our human experience.These books disclose the profound knowledge of human nature that the RABASH possessed, and take us on a journey to our own souls. As we absorb the texts, we find that Kabbalah is not some cryptic occultism, but ...

$20.00 $27.99 (2 variants)

The Writings of RABASH - Essays - Volume Five (E-Book)

The writings of Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (RABASH), the firstborn son and successor of Rav ...

The writings of Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (RABASH), the firstborn son and successor of Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), author of the Sulam (Ladder) commentary on The Book of Zohar, provide us with insights that connect the wisdom of Kabbalah to our human experience.These books disclose the profound knowledge of human nature that the RABASH possessed, and take us on a journey to our own souls. As we absorb the texts, we find that Kabbalah is not some cryptic occultism, but ...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Writings of RABASH - Essays - Volume Four

The writings of Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (RABASH), the firstborn son and successor of Rav ...

The writings of Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (RABASH), the firstborn son and successor of Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), author of the Sulam (Ladder) commentary on The Book of Zohar, provide us with insights that connect the wisdom of Kabbalah to our human experience.These books disclose the profound knowledge of human nature that the RABASH possessed, and take us on a journey to our own souls. As we absorb the texts, we find that Kabbalah is not some cryptic occultism, but ...

$25.95 $34.95 (2 variants)

The Writings of RABASH - Essays - Volume Four (E-Book)

The writings of Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (RABASH), the firstborn son and successor of Rav ...

The writings of Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (RABASH), the firstborn son and successor of Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), author of the Sulam (Ladder) commentary on The Book of Zohar, provide us with insights that connect the wisdom of Kabbalah to our human experience.These books disclose the profound knowledge of human nature that the RABASH possessed, and take us on a journey to our own souls. As we absorb the texts, we find that Kabbalah is not some cryptic occultism, but ...

Regular Price: $9.99

The Writings of RABASH - Essays - Volume Three

The writings of Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (RABASH), the firstborn son and successor of Rav ...

The writings of Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (RABASH), the firstborn son and successor of Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), author of the Sulam (Ladder) commentary on The Book of Zohar, provide us with insights that connect the wisdom of Kabbalah to our human experience.These books disclose the profound knowledge of human nature that the RABASH possessed, and take us on a journey to our own souls. As we absorb the texts, we find that Kabbalah is not some cryptic occultism, but ...

$25.99 $34.99 (2 variants)